Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2005 別蓮蒂;孫國寧, 2005, '自我監控程度與性別對銷售溝通影響之研究, ' 第二屆台灣行銷科學學會學術研討會, 台灣大學., 2005
2005 別蓮蒂;吳祉芸, 2005, '品牌個性, ' 2005年應用心理學與實務研討會:心理學應用領域的未來展望—臨床、工商與諮詢, 東吳大學., 2005
2005 別蓮蒂;陳嬿伊, 2005, 'The Influences of Price Dispersion and the Manufacturer''s Suggested Price on Consumers'' Internal Reference Prices, ' 第三屆全國當代行銷學術研討會, 中正大學., 2005
2005 Tsai, W. C.;Chen, H. W.;Cheng, J. W., 2005, 'Employee positive moods as a mediator linking transformational leadership and employee work outcomes., ' the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management., 2005
2005 Tsai, W. C.;Yang, W. F.;Suen, H. Y., 2005, ' Exploring the dimensionality of corporate image and its linkage to organizational attractiveness, ' Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management., 2005
2005 Tsai, W. C.;Chen, C. C.;Liu, H. L., 2005, 'An integrative model linking employee positive moods and task performance., ' the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management., 2005
2005 楊建民;吳志鴻;何習銓;洪文彥, 2005, '新巴塞爾協定下信用風險評等模型之研究, ' E-23-1~E-23-8, 遠東技術學院., 2005
2005 戚務君, 2005, 'The Effect of the Enron-Andersen Affair on Audit Pricing, ' "2005 American Accounting Association Meeting (San Francisco, USA"., 2005
2005 戚務君;H.Huang;H.Xie;Y.Liao, 2005, '"Mandatory Audit-Partner Rotation, Audit Quality and Market Perception: Evidence from Taiwan", ' "2005 Contemporary Accounting Research Conference (Ontario, Canada)"., 2005
2005 戚務君;呂美慧;沈中華, 2005, '會計盈餘對好消息認列之時效性與對壞消息認列之穩健性的實證研究: 分量迴歸的應用, ' 2005年會計理論與實務研討會., 2005