Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2004 俞洪昭, 2004, 'The effects of incentive contracts and monitoring mechanism on honesty in managerial reporting, ' the 2004 MAS Mid-Year Case and Research Conference, *., 2004
2004 別蓮蒂;陳嬿伊, 2004, '心理年齡與實際年齡對品牌偏好與選擇的影響, ' 第四十三屆心理學年會暨「心理學的教與學」專題研討會., 2004
2004 Tsai-Ju Liao;Kealoha Widdows;Lien-Ti Bei;Richard Widdows, 2004, 'The Influences of Women''s Self-Perceptions on Their Household Contributions: A Comparison of Three Chinese Societies, ' ACR Conferences., 2004
2004 Chiu, S. F.;Tsai, W. C., 2004, 'The linkage between profit sharing and organizational citizenship behavior., ' the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management., 2004
2004 TD Chang;邱志聖;S. Chen, 2004, 'The Effects of Corporate Factors on Service Quality, ' Proceedings of 2004 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada., 2004
2004 李仁芳;Chan, Tzu-Ying, 2004, 'A Comparative Study of Online User Communities Involvement In Product Innovation and Development, ' 13th International Conference on Management of Technology IAMOT, 13th International Conference on Management of Technology IAMOT., 2004
2004 王儷玲, 2004, 'How Corporate Government Structure Affects the Performance of Insurance Companies, ' Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association., 2004
2004 苑守慈, 2004, 'Ambient e-Services: Framework and Applications, ' The Fourth International Conference of Electronic Business., 2004
2004 苑守慈, 2004, 'A Contextualized Fault-tolerant Infrastructure for P2P Mobile Service Composition, ' IEEE International Conference on Services Computing.(EI), 2004
2004 楊亨利*, 2004, '新市場進入決策之外部因素評估輔助系統, ' 九十二學年度國科會(管理二學門)資訊管理研究計畫成果發表會.(*為通訊作者), 2004