Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2003 程裕繁;尤松文;劉文卿, 2003.07, '視覺化開發策略下軟體模式化技術之研究, ' 第九屆海峽兩岸資訊管理發展策略研討會, 合肥工業大學, pp.266-240., Jul. 2003
2003 吳思華;溫肇東;方亮淵, 2003.07, '韓國科技政策之典範轉移, ' 韓國數位內容產業創新研討會., Jul. 2003
2003 溫肇東, 2003.07, 'Improving the Services of Academic Incubators, ' The First APEC Incubator Forum., Jul. 2003
2003 Eugenia Y. Huang;Michelle Lin, 2003.07, 'Personalization : One-to-One Marketing, Differentiation or Customization?, ' 7th International DSI and 8th APDSI Joint Conference, Shanghai., Jul. 2003
2003 Yu, Chwo-Ming Jo*;Wu, Lei-Yu;Hsu, Jason C., 2003.07, 'Network Dynamics of High Technology Firms: The Case of Firms in Hsinchu High Technology Industrial Park and Silicon Valley, ' Proceedings of the Conference on International Business.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2003
2003 溫肇東;蔡淑梨, 2003.06, 'The Influences of Government Policies on Women Entrepreneurship in Taiwan, ' ICSB Conference., Jun. 2003
2003 溫肇東;蔡政安, 2003.06, 'Innovation through collaboration in service-oriented product: the empirical result of industrial computer industry development in Taiwan, ' Innovation through Collaboration: Clusters, Networks, Alliances., Jun. 2003
2003 溫肇東;蔡政安;羅育如, 2003.06, 'Strategic Intention as An Enabler to Grow: BenQ‘s Case, ' ICSB Conference., Jun. 2003
2003 陳麗霞;蘇聖珠, 2003.06, '具有群內相關性類別資料之模式配適探討,蘇聖珠 ,第十二屆南區統計研討會,中華民國。, ' 第十二屆南區統計研討會, 中華機率統計學會 國立高雄大學應數系., Jun. 2003
2003 姜國輝*;鍾豐謙;吳俊德, 2003.06, '以專家策略為本的交易夥伴搜尋輔助, ' 第十四屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, 中華民國資訊管理學會.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2003