2001 |
邱志聖;Chang,Tung-Zong;Su-Jane Chen, 2001, 'The Management''s Role in a Market-Oriented Organization:The Effect of Management Leadership Styles., ' The Management''s Role in a Market-Oriented Organization:The Effect of Management Leadership Styles., 2001 Annual Conference of Society for Marketing Advances., 2001 |
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Kai Hsiang Peng, 2001, 'Context Aware Voice-Based Mobile Community, ' International Conference of Information Management Research and Practice, Taiwan., 2001 |
2001 |
金成隆;林達榮;李家琪, 2001, '可轉換公司債發行條款與強制性財務預測之關聯性研究, ' 2001財務金融學術暨實務研討會, *., 2001 |
2001 |
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金成隆;曹壽民;藍心梅;陳俊雄, 2001, '會計基礎評價模式在台灣股市適用性之研究, ' 2001年「第十屆會計理論與實務研討會」, 東吳大學., 2001 |
2001 |
戚務君;俞洪昭;許崇源;曹美娟, 2001, '兩稅合一制度下股東可扣抵稅額揭露之價值攸關性, ' 第九屆會計理論與實務研討會, 中華會計教育學會與國立台灣大學會計學系., 2001 |
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鄭宇庭, 2000.12, '電腦輔助電話調查系統(CATI)實際操作, ' 八十九年度教育部大學基礎科學教學改進計畫「增進基礎抽樣調查與統計諮詢教學之研究」研討會, 輔仁大學., Dec. 2000 |
2000 |
Tai Ma;Ming-hua Hsieh;J. Chen, 2000.12, 'The Probability of Informed Trading and the Performance of Stock in an Order Driven Market, ' 9th International Conference of Securities and Financial Markets, Taiwan., Dec. 2000 |