2000 |
薛慧敏, 2000.07, 'Unconditional exact tests for equivalence with paired binary endpoint, ' The 2000 ASA Joints Meetings, Indianapolis, USA, X., Jul. 2000 |
2000 |
鄭宗記;Victoria -Feser M.P, 2000.07, 'High Breakdown Estimation of Multivariate Location and Scale With Missing Observations, ' The 22nd Biennial Conference of the Society for Multivariate Analysis in the Behavioural Sciences, London School of Economics., Jul. 2000 |
2000 |
Atkinson.A.C, 2000.07, 'The Forward Search for the Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator, ' The 22nd Biennial Conference of the Society for Multivariate Analysis in the Behavioural Sciences, London School of Economics., Jul. 2000 |
2000 |
張士傑, 2000.07, 'Application of risk stochastic control to pension fund management., '., Jul. 2000 |
2000 |
Chen, Li-Yu;Woo-Tsong Lin*, 2000.07, 'Performance Comparison between the Globalization and the Localization of A Supply Chain, ' Fifth International Conference of Asia-Pacific Region of Decision Science Institute (APDSI 2000), Asia-Pacific Region of Decision Science Institute.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2000 |
2000 |
Tuang;Bao-Yi;Woo-Tsong Lin*, 2000.07, 'An Architecture of Supply Chain Management Systems, ' Fifth International Conference of Asia-Pacific Region of Decision Science Institute (APDSI 2000), Asia-Pacific Region of Decision Science Institute.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2000 |
2000 |
Daniel Y. Shee;Jeung-tai Eddie Tang, 2000.07, 'Keys to the Supply*Demand Architecture in Electronic Commerce, ' Proceedings of the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), UK., Jul. 2000 |
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Chou, Robin K., 2000.07, 'Size Effect, January Effect, and Capital Gains Taxes, ' PACAP/FMA Conference, Melbourne, Australia., Jul. 2000 |
2000 |
蘇淑枝;鄭宇庭, 2000.06, '選舉預測模型之研究 - 以2000總統大選為例, ' 八十九年統計學術研討會暨第九屆南區統計研討會, 國立成功大學., Jun. 2000 |
2000 |
洪永泰;林秀貞;鄭宇庭, 2000.06, '我國社會警報指標之研究, ' 八十九年統計學術研討會暨第九屆南區統計研討會, 國立成功大學., Jun. 2000 |