2000 |
張元晨;Chang-An Pan;Chung-hua Shen, 2000.06, 'Forward Exchange Bias around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan''s Foreign Exchange Market, ' Forward Exchange Bias around the Asian Financial Crisis: Evidence from Taiwan''s Foreign Exchange Market, 2000 Chinese Finance Association Conference., Jun. 2000 |
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陳威光, 2000.06, 'Further investigation of stock index futrues and stock prices movement during the Octorber 1987 market crash, ' The 8th Pacific Basin Finance, Economics and Accounting, X., Jun. 2000 |
2000 |
Lin, Y.Y.*, 2000.06, 'Determinants of networking: A perspective from publishing industry in Taiwan, ' Proceedings of SMEs in a Global Economy Conference, University of Wollongong, Australia, pp.383-394.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2000 |
2000 |
韓志翔, 2000.06, '「全面品質導向之人力資源管理對員工工作態度與行為之影響」, ' 第一屆提升競爭力與經營管理研討會, *., Jun. 2000 |
2000 |
黃家齊, 2000.06, '組織策略、人力資本投資與組織績效, ' 2000海峽兩岸財經與商學研討會論文集, 東吳大學, pp.183-200., Jun. 2000 |
2000 |
薛慧敏, 2000.05, '“Unconditional exact tests for equivalence with paired binary endpoint”, ' 中國統計學術研討會, X., May. 2000 |
2000 |
姜國輝*, 2000.05, '資訊管理系統中知識管理之建構, ' 知識管理研討會 – 領導21世紀之經營管理論文集, 國立政治大學,經濟部中小企業處.(*為通訊作者), May. 2000 |
2000 |
管郁君;宋蓓娜, 2000.05, '網路網際消費市場區隔與定位策略之研究, ' 第十一屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, 台灣., May. 2000 |
2000 |
張紹勳*;林我聰, 2000.05, '組織文化與主管支持對先進製造科技實施效益之交互影響, ' 第十一屆全國資訊管理學術研討會, pp.830-837.(*為通訊作者), May. 2000 |
2000 |
施文真*, 2000.05, 'Taiwan and the 1992 UN Convention on Biological Diversity, ' the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association.(*為通訊作者), May. 2000 |