Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
1999 Andy Liu, 1999, 'Personalized Comparison Shopping, ' Agent Technology Workshop, Taiwan., 1999
1999 M.Z Huang, 1999, 'Data Mining and Competitive Intelligence, ' Internaitonal Conference of Information Management Research and Practice, Taiwan., 1999
1999 C.F Lee, 1999, 'Agent-Based Distrubuted Marketplace for Digital Products, ' Internaitonal Conference of Information Management Research and Practice, Taiwan., 1999
1999 W.L Chang, 1999, 'Data Mining and Customer Retention anf Profitability, ' National Computer Science Symposium, Taiwan., 1999
1999 S.F Chen, 1999, 'On the Infrastructure of Contracting Agents, ' National Computer Science Symposium, Taiwan., 1999
1999 邱顯貴, 1999, '智慧代理人在網際網路電子商務應用模式之研究-以買者決策行為觀點探討, ' 第五屆資訊管理研究暨實務研討會, 台北市., 1999
1999 趙玉;Jau-Hung Tseng, 1999, 'Some Properties pf Synchronized Choice Ordinary Petri Nets, ' Invited Session paper,1999 IFAC, China., 1999
1999 趙玉, 1999, 'The Algorithm for Synchronized Choice Net Detection, ' Proceedings of 1999 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Application, Taiwan., 1999
1999 趙玉;Jose A. Nicdao;趙玉, 1999, 'The Algorithm for checking Liveness in synchronized Choice Net Detection, ' 1999 IEEE Int''l Conf.SMC.Japan, Japan., 1999
1999 趙玉;Jose A. Nicdao;趙玉, 1999, 'Second Order Structures for Synchronized Choice Ordinary Petri Nets, ' the Third World Multiconference on Systemics Cyberbetics and Informatics and the Fifth International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis, USA., 1999