1997 |
苑守慈, 1997, 'Ontology-Based Agent Community for Information Gathering and Integration: Practical Case Study, ' Agent Workshop97., 1997 |
1997 |
苑守慈, 1997, 'A Safe and Efficient Agent architecture for Uncertain Agent Environment, ' Joint Pacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems/Singapore International Conference on Intelligent System., 1997 |
1997 |
苑守慈, 1997, 'Innovated Virtual Mall, ' International Conference and Exhibition on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agents., 1997 |
1997 |
Liao, S. L., 1997, 'Testing the Efficiency of Taiwan Forward US Dollar Market, ' 第五屆證券暨金融市場理論與實務研討會., 1997 |
1997 |
樓永堅, 1997, '華人溝通型態對調查訪問之影響, ' 97"華夏文化與現代管理"國際學術研討會, 香港城市大學., 1997 |
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黃思明, 1997, '全國商品資料網路化, ' 八十六年度產業自動化會議., 1997 |
1997 |
C. Chow;G. Harrison;J. Mckinnon;吳安妮, 1997, 'The Openness of Information Exchange within Organizations: A Cross-Culture Field Study., ' The Ninth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., 1997 |
1997 |
張士傑, 1997, '商業長期看護保險的精算研究, ' 86年全民健保精算研討會論文集, 政治大學., 1997 |
1997 |
Lin, Y.Y.*;Lee, L.T., 1997, 'The role of Taiwan in Chinese human resources integration, ' Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference on Global Business Environment and Strategy, pp.1-7.(*為通訊作者), 1997 |
1997 |
C. Chow;R. Hwang;W. Liao;吳安妮, 1997, 'The Effect of Social Pressure and National Culture on Subordinates Communication of Private Information for Intrafirm Resource Allocations: An Exploratory Study, ' The Ninth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., 1997 |