Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
1992 管康彥, 1992.05, 'Marketing Concept and Organization Structure of Multinational Corporations in Taiwan, the Republic of China, ' Fifth International Conference on Multinational Enterprise P., May. 1992
1992 陳坤銘;張素灣;孫克難, 1992.04, '國建計畫之財源籌措問題, ' 六國建計畫研討會, 中國經濟學會., Apr. 1992
1992 黃思明, 1992.04, '從策略層面看資訊管理教育, ' 第四屆全國管理教育研討會論文集., Apr. 1992
1992 黃思明, 1992.04, '從策略層面看資訊管理教育, ' 第四屆全國管理教育研討會., Apr. 1992
1992 洪順慶, 1992.04, '企業管理在職教育之服務品質探討, ' 第四屆全國管理教育研討會., Apr. 1992
1992 管康彥, 1992.04, '從研究方法課程之角度談研究盲點的釐清, ' 第四屆中華民國管理教育研討會., Apr. 1992
1992 管康彥, 1992.04, '新產品開發策略與管理控制機能, ' 科技體制與產業發展研討會., Apr. 1992
1992 Robert K. Su*, 1992.03, 'Validation and Unification of Merger Theories: A Canonical Correlation Approach, ' The Western Decision Sciences Institute 1992 Annual Meeting, Decision Sciences Institute.(*為通訊作者), Mar. 1992
1992 陳威光, 1992.03, 'The Valuation and Efficiency Test of Stock Index Option Markets:A Evidence from the 1987 Stock Crash, ' Eastern Economics Association Conference Meeting., Mar. 1992
1992 Vinze, A.S.;Sen, A.;Liou, S.T.(曾淑峰), 1992.01, 'AEROBA: A Blackboard Approach to Model Formulation, ' The Twenty-Fifth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, -., Jan. 1992