1987 |
劉文卿, 1987.04, 'Recognition of 2-Dimensional Mechanica Parts, ' First National Workshop on Automatic Technology., Apr. 1987 |
1987 |
管康彥, 1987.04, 'Quality Costs and Profitability Performance: Case Studies, ' Second World Congress of Production and Inventory Control Presentations., Apr. 1987 |
1987 |
黃思明, 1987, 'On-Line Scheduling Models for Flexible Manufacturing Systems, ' ORSA/TIMS National Conference, St. Louis., 1987 |
1987 |
裘錦天, 1987, 'Using Interactive Video to Assist Readers Comprehend Text., ' the 29th annual conference of the Association for the Development of Computer-Based Instructional Systems(ADCIS)., 1987 |
1987 |
楊建民, 1987, 'Computational Experiences with Solving Linear Programs by Iterative Methods on Cray Super-computers, ' The Third Science and Engineering Symposium., 1987 |
1987 |
Wu, Se-Hwa;Twai, Stephen D.H., 1987, 'The Industrial Policy of the Newly-Industrialized Nations an Empirical Study on Four Industries in R.O.C., ' Proceedings of the Pan Pacific Conferecne IV., 1987 |
1987 |
黃思明, 1987, 'An On-Line Scheduling Model for Flexible Manufacturing Systems, ' TIMS/ORSA National Conference., 1987 |
1986 |
管康彥, 1986.10, 'Situation Dependent Model of Corporate Structure Response, ' Joint National meeting of the Operations Research Society of America and The Institute of Management Sciences., Oct. 1986 |
1986 |
管康彥, 1986.07, 'Organizational Arrangement of Research and Development Activities, ' Conference on Management Development for Scientists and Technologists, Manchester Business School; University of Manchester., Jul. 1986 |
1986 |
司徒達賢, 1986.05, 'The Strategic Reactions to Environment Challenges:Experiences of ROC, ' 亞洲生產力中心年會, 亞洲生產力中心., May. 1986 |