2016 |
Wei-jen Wen;Wen-Chieh Lee*;Keng-Chia Chen, 2016.01, 'To Merge or to Help Related Firms Merge? Vertical Mergers in Cournot Oligopolies with Complementary Inputs, ' The 10th Joint Economics Symposium of Five Leading East Asian Universities, Yonsei University and National Chengchi University.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2016 |
2016 |
Hong-Yi Chen*;Cheng-Few Lee;Wei K. Shih, 2016.01, 'Technical, fundamental, and combined information for separating winner from losers., ' The 9th NCTU International Finance Conference, Department of Information Management and Finance, National Chiao Tung.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2016 |
2016 |
Konan Chan;Hung-Kun Chen;Shing-yang Hu;Yu-jane Liu, 2016.01, 'Share Pledges and Margin Call Pressure, ' AFA meeting, AFA., Jan. 2016 |
2016 |
Chao, C.*;洪叔民, 2016.01, 'The valuation effects of accrual-based earnings management and real activities manipulation associated with the elimination of the form 20-F reconciliation requirement, ' Proceedings of 2016 Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Midyear Meeting, American Accounting Association, pp.TBD.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2016 |
2016 |
吳安妮*, 2016.01, 'Penalties, '.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2016 |
2016 |
Van der Stede*;Wim A.;A. Wu;Steve Wu., 2016.01, 'The Reinforcement Effect of Bonuses and Penalties., ' he 2016 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, MAS.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2016 |
2016 |
Shao, Jun*;A. Wu;W. Boh;C. Huang, 2016.01, 'Subsidiary Managers’ Power and Internal Capital Allocation., ' The 2016 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2016 |
2016 |
Yang, SF*, 2016, 'A New Double Sampling Management Scheme for Process Quality Monitoring, ' ISCEM, Academic industrial technology reserach center committee.(*為通訊作者), 2016 |
2016 |
傅冶天*, 2016, 'Stanford’s Contrasting Experience of Degree-Conferral in Distance-Learning and in Internet-Degree Offering 遠距與網路教學的史丹福經驗; 兼談史大網路課程之跨國創新結盟, ' 2016 International Conference on Innovation Studies Human-centered Indigenous Innovation: Trans-disciplinary Dialogue National Cheng-Chi University, National Cheng-Chi University.(*為通訊作者), 2016 |
2016 |
傅冶天*, 2016, 'Reversed Mortgage Halted in the States but has just Flourished in Taiwan. Why? 攸關銀髮族照顧之以房養老(即反向房貸)已於2012年於美國之富國銀行丶美國銀行以試行期滿暫停告終,唯在台灣正夯,本文試圖研究此跨國差異。, ' 2016 International Conference on Innovation Studies Human-centered Indigenous Innovation: Trans-disciplinary Dialogue, National Cheng-Chi University.(*為通訊作者), 2016 |