2015 |
吳佳芸*;葉早彬;楊建民, 2015.05, '社會輿情意見探勘應用於捷運房地產市場預測之研究, ' 2015 年第二十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 中華民國資訊管理學會.(*為通訊作者), May. 2015 |
2015 |
簡智宏*;陳威宇;楊建民, 2015.05, '應用文字探勘技術於挖掘概念股及概念股股價共同移動之研究-以蘋果供應鏈為例, ' 2015 年第二十六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會, 中華民國資訊管理學會.(*為通訊作者), May. 2015 |
2015 |
陳俊元*, 2015.05, 'Auditor’s Litigation Risk and Liability Regimes: An Empirical Legal Study of China., ' The 12th Asian Law Institute Conference, National Taiwan University.(*為通訊作者), May. 2015 |
2015 |
練惠琪*;于卓民, 2015.04, 'The Impact of Adversity Perceived on Entrepreneurial Exit:The Case of Taiwanese Small Ventures, ' World Business Research Conference, World Business Institute of Australia.(*為通訊作者), Apr. 2015 |
2015 |
Ping-Hsun Chen*, 2015.03, 'Application of the Joinder Clause under the America Invents Act in the Context of Mobile Phone Technology, ' Fifth Annual Internet Law Work-in-Progress Conference, Santa Clara University, March 7, Santa Clara University School of Law.(*為通訊作者), Mar. 2015 |
2015 |
Hsin-Lu Chang;Tammy Jan;Kai Wang*, 2015.03, 'Toward a Business Model for EHealth Services: NTUH as an Example, ' The proceedings of The Western Decision Sciences Institute 2015 Annual Meeting, DSI.(*為通訊作者), Mar. 2015 |
2015 |
Hsin-Lu Chang;James Chen;Kai Wang*, 2015.03, 'Toward a Maturity Model for Cloud Service Capability Assessment, ' The proceedings of The Western Decision Sciences Institute 2015 Annual Meeting, DSI.(*為通訊作者), Mar. 2015 |
2015 |
Kuang-Chung Hsu;Shinn-Juh Lin*;Yungho Weng, 2015.01, 'Do Labor Unions Hinder or Boost International Outsourcing? Evidence from U.S. Manufacturing, ' 2015 WEAI Annual Conference, Western Economic Association International.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2015 |
2015 |
Hong-Yi Chen*;Alice C. Lee;Cheng-Few Lee, 2015.01, 'Alternative errors-in-variables models and their applications in finance research., ' The Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Financial Management Association.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2015 |
2015 |
Chou, Ling-Tai Lynette*;Chiu, Shian-Lian;Lin, Hsin-Ying, 2015.01, 'Same Auditor Auditing Both Sides of Related Party Transactions and Analyst Earnings Forecasts, ' AAA 2015 Midyear Meeting of the International Accounting Section, AAA.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2015 |