Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2012 簡睿哲, 2012.03, 'Rapid Internationalization Strategy for Emerging Market SMEs: The Effect of the Interplay between Speed, Competitive Intensity and Foreign Partnerships on Firm Survival, ' AIB UKI., Mar. 2012
2012 傅冶天*, 2012.03, 'Job Creation through Service and Retailing Business for Globalized CompaniesManufacturing CompaniesCompanies—Examples and Comparisons from Apple Computers, See''s Candy and Volvo Cars, ' 21th International Conference on Management of Technology.(*為通訊作者), Mar. 2012
2012 洪為璽;李哲銘, 2012.03, '影響醫院資訊系統整合程度之關鍵因素:科技、組織、環境之觀點, ' 2012 IETAC資訊教育與科技應用研討會, 中臺科技大學., Mar. 2012
2012 陳淑玲*;程裕昌*;裘錦天*;程裕繁*, 2012.03, '信用風險管理機制對台灣消費者網路購物:以Yahoo!拍賣為例, ' 第一屆中台灣產業論壇暨服務創新管理學術研討會, 國立臺中科技大學企業管理系事業經營碩士班主辦.(*為通訊作者), Mar. 2012
2012 陳俊元*, 2012.03, 'A Study on Directors & Officers Insurance and Mandatory Disclosure: A Comparative and Empirical Analysis., ' Second Annual Workshop on International and Comparative Law, Law School of Washington University in St. Louis.(*為通訊作者), Mar. 2012
2012 Jonathan Jiin-Tian Chyou*;Tzung-I Tang*, 2012.02, 'The Application of Mobile E-learning in an Open Platform, ' International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research.(EI)(*為通訊作者), Feb. 2012
2012 YI-SHUN WANG*;湯宗益, 2012.02, 'AN ANALYSIS OF REQUIRED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMPETENCE FOR MIS STUDENTS IN TAIWAN’S UNIVERSITIES, ' 2012 International Conference on Information and Computer Applications.(*為通訊作者), Feb. 2012
2012 Man-Jen Hsu;薛慧敏*, 2012.02, 'The linear combination of biomarkers maximizing the pAUC, ' East Asia Regional Biometric Conference 2012, International Biometric Society Korean Region.(*為通訊作者), Feb. 2012
2012 Jonathan Jiin-Tian Chyou*;Cheng-Yi Wu*, 2012.02, 'Application Development for Mobile Marketing, ' International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Information Systems Research.(EI)(*為通訊作者), Feb. 2012
2012 YI-SHUN WANG*;湯宗益, 2012.02, 'A MODEL FOR EVALUATING E-LEARNING BLOG SUCCESS, ' 2012 International Conference on Information and Computer Applications.(*為通訊作者), Feb. 2012