Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2006 王儷玲, 2006.07, 'Demutualization and Efficiency Performance Changes: Evidence from the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry, ' 第六屆風險管理理論研討會., Jul. 2006
2006 管郁君;林勝為;林淑瓊, 2006.07, 'Inquiring the E-mail Management Behaviors of Knowledge Workers, ' Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Education (ACME) Annual Meeting, Hawaii USA, ACME., Jul. 2006
2006 Eugenia Y. Huang;Houn-Gee Chen;Louis Y.S. Lo., 2006.07, 'Hedonic pricing analysis of DSL Internet services in the UK, ' Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME) Annual Meeting, ACME., Jul. 2006
2006 Chi-yang Lin;Yuanchen Chang;Wei-jen Wen*, 2006.07, 'Exchange Rate Interventions as a Strategic Trade Policy: Evidence from American Automobile Market, ' The Asia-Pacific Trade Seminars, 2006, The Asia-Pacific Trade Seminars (APTS) Board.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2006
2006 蔡孟佳, 2006.07, 'The Exploration of the US-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement, ' Conference on Free Trade Agreements in the Asia Pacific, Flinders University, South Australia., Jul. 2006
2006 林家慶;陳坤銘*;饒秀華, 2006.07, 'The Impact of Exchange Rate Movements on the Timing of Foreign Direct Investment: Market-seeking versus Export-substituting, ' 2006 Asia Pacific Economic Association Conference, Asia Pacific Economic Association.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2006
2006 洪叔民*, 2006.07, 'A Stage-Based Human Resource Allocation Procedure for Project Management with Multiple Objectives, ' Proceedings of PMI Research Conference, PMI, pp.1-12.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2006
2006 Lin, Yu-Tse*;別蓮蒂, 2006.07, 'The Perceived Time Value by Consumers in a Transaction, ' The 13th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, The European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies (EIRASS).(無)(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2006
2006 溫肇東;楊舜慧, 2006.07, '知識經濟下新創事業經營模式的演進趨勢, ' 2006海峽兩岸科技自主創新研討會, 上海科學技術協會、政治大學科技管理研究所., Jul. 2006
2006 Chiu, Y.C.,;Huang, M.C., 2006.07, 'Control Mechanisms and Integration in Supply Chain, ' 4th International Conference of Supply Chain & Information System., Jul. 2006