Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2006 洪德欽, 2006.01, 'EC‘s Constitution and the Future of European Integration, ' Round Table on the Prospect of European Integration, IEAS, Academia Sinica., Jan. 2006
2006 Chow, C.;J. Kohlmeyer;A. Wu, 2006.01, 'Performance Standards and Managers'' Adoption of Risky Projects., ' The AAA 2006 Management Accounting Section (MAS) Meeting., Jan. 2006
2006 Ta-Yi Lin;Chao-Tung Wen, 2006, 'The evolution of value chain in mobile handsets market, ' DRUID Summer Conference 2006., 2006
2006 溫肇東;陳意文, 2006, '從想像到商業化(From mind to market):以福斯汽車城(Autostadt)為例, ' 2006創造力教育暨產業創新研討會., 2006
2006 陳意文;Francisco Liñán;吳思華;溫肇東;張誠新, 2006, '影響創業意圖之關鍵因素分析:以參與創業競賽的台灣學生為例, ' 中華民國科技管理學會論文研討會., 2006
2006 Ting, C.P.*;Chang, F.S., 2006, 'Optimal two-level fractional factorial designs for location main effects with dispersion factors, ' The 15th Southern Taiwan Statistical Conference and the 2006 Statistical Conference of the Chinese Institute of Probability and Statistics.(*為通訊作者), 2006
2006 蔡政憲;Jui-Lin Eva Sung;詹芳書, 2006, 'An Empirical Study on the Solvency Prediction of Simulation Analysis, Scenario Analysis, and Risk-Based Capital, ' 第六屆風險管理與保險研討會., 2006
2006 王儷玲, 2006, 'Demutualization and Efficiency Performance Changes: Evidence from the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry, ' Annual Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association., 2006
2006 王儷玲, 2006, 'Evidence for Adverse Selection in the Automobile Insurance Market, ' Annual Conference of American Risk and Insurance Association., 2006
2006 I-Chien Lin;苑守慈, 2006, 'Team-Based Mission Discovery in Multi-Agent Systems, ' International Conference of Information Management., 2006