Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2002 鄭宇庭;李珮榕;邱蔚群;李家旭, 2002.12, '壽險公司附加保單銷售之目標消費群研究, ' 九十一年統計學術研討會, 東海大學., Dec. 2002
2002 鄭宇庭;謝晴予;李珮榕;邱蔚群;李家旭;何玉芝, 2002.12, '資料探勘技術應用於企業資料庫之資料探索與決策, ' 九十一年統計學術研討會, 東海大學., Dec. 2002
2002 陳坤銘;陳財家, 2002.12, '規模經濟, 貿易移轉與反傾銷政策效果, ' 台灣經濟學會2002年年會, 台灣經濟學會., Dec. 2002
2002 Ming-hua Hsieh;P. W. Glynn, 2002.11, 'Confidence Regions for Stochastic Approximation Algorithms, ' 2002 Winter Simulation Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp.370-376., Nov. 2002
2002 張愛華, 2002.11, '由企業經營管理看行政組織創新, ' 研發創新策略與應用, 行政院研考會., Nov. 2002
2002 林宛瑩, 2002.11, '無形資產之會計處理與報導, ' 安侯建業會計師事務所(KPMG)審計部人員進修講習, 安侯建業會計師事務所.(內部訓練), Nov. 2002
2002 諶家蘭*;Lin;Wang, 2002.11, 'A comparative study of standard WEB-DB server benchmarks, ' The 31st Decision Science Institute, DSI-2002, Annual Meeting, Decision Science Institute.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2002
2002 Eugenia Y. Huang;Chien-Hsin Huang, 2002.11, 'How the activities of Federal Virtual Community impact the characteristics of knowledge worker team – a case study approach, ' 33rd Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute., Nov. 2002
2002 胡聯國, 2002.11, 'Strategic Choice between Joint Venture and Mergers -- An Incomplete Market Approach, ' The Eighth Asia Pacific Management Review Conference, The City University of Hong Kong., Nov. 2002
2002 傅豐玲;周逸衡;藍鴻文, 2002.11, '自助式科技對服務接觸影響一以網路教學為例, ' 第三屆產業資訊管理學術暨新興科技實務研討會., Nov. 2002