2002 |
HSIAO, R.L.;MING, V., 2002, 'The Asian Difference of Electronic Marketplace, ' International Conference of Electronic Business., 2002 |
2002 |
李仁芳, 2002, '台灣產業組織的創新, ' 輔仁大學心理系三十週年系慶學識研討會., 2002 |
2002 |
吳豐祥*;謝慶龍, 2002, '技術知識特質對知識管理作為的影響之實證研究, ' 2002 知識經濟與科技創造力培育國際研討會, 師範大學.(*為通訊作者), 2002 |
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徐作聖;邱奕嘉, 2002, '國家創新系統分析-以台灣IC產業為例, ' 經濟部技術處學界科專非技術領域學術研討會., 2002 |
2002 |
江振東;Lee, C-M,;Lai, H-R, Lee, P-H;Chang, F-C,Chen, W-J, 2002, 'Study on the Risk and Protective Factors of Smoking among the Vocational High School Students in Taipei Area: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study, ' 台灣菸害防制研討會, X., 2002 |
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江振東;Chen, L-S;Hsieh,Y-S;Su, S-C, 2002, 'Using Latent Transition Model to Study Distress Problems in Adolescents, ' The 2002 Taipei International Statistical Symposium and Bernoulli Society EAPR Conference, Taiwan., 2002 |
2002 |
楊素芬;Lin. G;Ho.S, 2002, 'Improvement of car speed using Taguchi method, ' The TQM Conference, x., 2002 |
2002 |
蔡政憲;Larry Y. Tzeng;Chun-Fang Kuo, 2002, 'Risk-Based Capital and the Life Insurer’s Risk Taking Behaviors, ' The Third Risk Management Theory Seminar, National Chengchi University,., 2002 |
2002 |
蔡政憲;Hsien-Chan Ho;Chih-Hua Tsou, 2002, 'Duration Analysis on Life Insurance Policies, The Third Risk Management Theory Seminar, ' The Third Risk Management Theory Seminar, National Chengchi University., 2002 |
2002 |
蔡政憲;Chang, Shih-Chieh;Chia-Jung Tien;Chang-Ye Tu, 2002, 'Dynamic Funding and Investment Strategy for Defined Benefit Pension Schemes: Model Incorporating Asset-Liability Matching Criterions, ' The Sixth Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance
Association., 2002 |