Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2001 彭朱如*;蘇洺賢, 2001, 'Partners, Resources, and Management Mechanisms of Inter-organizational Collaborative Ties in Non-Profit Organizations, ' 國科會專題計劃成果發表會管理(一)學門一般管理領域,國科會人文處, pp.451-468.(*為通訊作者), 2001
2001 彭朱如;Ming-Hsien Su, 2001, 'A Study of Inter-organizational Collaborative Ties and Management Mechanisms in Non-Profit Organizations, ' Proceedings of International Conference of Pacific Rim Management 11th., 2001
2001 管長青;蔡維奇, 2001, '影響學習型組織形成之相關因素研究:以工程顧問業為例。, ' 2001科際整合管理國際研討會, 東吳大學企業管理系., 2001
2001 鄭宗記;Hwang,J.-H., 2001, 'Maximun Likelihood Estimation for Environmental Data with Detection Limits and Missing Valuse, ' Conference of the Chinese Statitical Association, Chinesen Statistical Association., 2001
2001 楊素芬, 2001, 'Statistical process control for multiple stream processes, ' 2001 Statistical Conference, Taipei, x., 2001
2001 Kai Hsiang Peng, 2001, 'Context Aware Voice-Based Mobile Community, ' International Conference of Information Management Research and Practice, Taiwan., 2001
2001 陳明吉;花敬群;張金鶚, 2001, '獎勵民間參與公共建設的新誘因-土地開發外部利益分配, ' 公共與地方財政創新研討會, 中華公共事務管理學會., 2001
2001 Wu, Se-Hwa;Wang, Mei-Ya, 2001, 'Organizational creative process from an evolutionary perspective:The creative process of Taiwanese Internet firms, ' Western Decision Science Institute, Wsetern Decision Science Institute., 2001
2001 Tsai, W. C.;Huang, Y. M., 2001, 'Exploring mediating processes underlying the relationship between employee displayed positive emotions and customer behavioral intentions., ' the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management., 2001
2001 李仁芳, 2001, '合作體系遷移與製造能耐轉移, ' 越泰的經驗研討會., 2001