Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
2000 Jacob Y.H Jou;Linda FongLing Fu;YiLin Lin and Jannie Lee, 2000, 'Profiling Patronage Information Search,Evaluation and Choice in Electronic commerce, ' 2000 International Conference on the theories and practioces of Electronic Commerce, Taiwan., 2000
2000 Chingfa Lee, 2000, 'An Agent-Based Distributed Market for Digital Products, ' Agent Technology Workshop 2000, Taiwan., 2000
2000 苑守慈, 2000, 'Negotiation-Credit Based Group/Buy/Group Sell in E-Markets, ' Internaitonal Conference of Information Management Research and Practice, Taiwan., 2000
2000 苑守慈, 2000, 'An Enabling Environment for Engineering Cooperative Agents, ' Infrastructure for Scalable Multi-Agent Systems Workshop at Autonomous Agents 2000, Spain., 2000
2000 Shih-Feng Chen, 2000, 'A Learning-Enabled Infrastructure for Electronic Contractiong Agents--A Preliminary Report, ' Third Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, Australia., 2000
2000 Wei-Lung Chang, 2000, 'A Synthesized Learning Approach for Web-Based CRM, ' International Workshop on WebKDD, USA., 2000
2000 Andy Liu, 2000, 'Smart Comparison Shopping, ' International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Korea., 2000
2000 邱顯貴, 2000, '以資料發掘經由知識管理建構顧客關係管理模式之研究, ' 第十一屆資訊管理研討會, 高雄市., 2000
2000 Jose A. Nicdao, 2000, 'An Incremental Approach to Searching Minimal Siphons for Deadlock of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, ' SCI2000/ISAS, X., 2000
2000 趙玉;Jose A. Nicdao, 2000, 'DCOM for Workflow Analysis and Simulation Based On Petr Nets, ' Proc. AUTOMAUTION, x., 2000