Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
1999 Kuan, Wellington K., 1999, ' In Search of a New Version of Japanese Management: the Remaking of Japanese Corporations, ' Japan Interchange Association., 1999
1999 金成隆;林修葳;林憶樺, 1999, '強制性財務預測與操控研究發展費用之關係之研究, ' 1999年「第一屆亞太管理學術研討會」, 成功大學., 1999
1999 金成隆;H.W Lin;Y.F Chang, 1999, 'Manadatory Management Forecast Error as a Variable to Earnings Manipulation, with a 20% Hurdle Set by TAIEX Regulators, ' American Accounting Association/Taiwan Accounting Association First Globalization Conference, *., 1999
1999 邱志聖, 1999, 'Reciprocal Gift-Giving Behaviors:A Study Across Culture., ' Reciprocal Gift-Giving Behaviors:A Study Across Cultures., American Marketing Association., 1999
1999 陳明進;林世銘;蔡天俊, 1999, '土地增值稅政策對股市之影響, ' Proceeding of the AAA/TAA First Globalization Conference, *., 1999
1999 李仁芳, 1999, '航太與電子化學產業組織知識管理與動態創新能耐演化之探討, ' 第八屆產業管理研討會., 1999
1999 吳豐祥*;鄭錳新, 1999, '產品開發過程中的同步工程整合模式之探討, ' 1999科技管理論文研討會, 中山大學.(*為通訊作者), 1999
1999 吳豐祥*;黃怡芳, 1999, '我國廠商製程創新管理之實證研究-以半導體業與主機板業為例, ' 1999科技管理論文研討會, 中山大學.(*為通訊作者), 1999
1999 Biing-Shen Kuo, 1999, 'A Consistent Test for Unit Root in Panel Data, ' Econometric Society North American Summer Meeting, Econometric Society., 1999
1999 C.Chow;C. Neale;吳安妮, 1999, 'International Accounting Symposium: The Increased Adoption of Formal/Explicit Management Controls in Chinese Enterprises: An Exploratory Field Study, ' Accounting Organizations and Society, *., 1999