Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
1997 苑守慈, 1997, 'Innovated Virtual Mall, ' International Conference and Exhibition on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agents., 1997
1997 Lin, Y.Y.*;Lee, L.T., 1997, 'The role of Taiwan in Chinese human resources integration, ' Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference on Global Business Environment and Strategy, pp.1-7.(*為通訊作者), 1997
1997 C. Chow;G. Harrison;J. Mckinnon;吳安妮, 1997, 'The Openness of Information Exchange within Organizations: A Cross-Culture Field Study., ' The Ninth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., 1997
1997 C. Chow;P. Harrison;吳安妮, 1997, 'The Effect of Private Information and Potential for Personal Gain on Managers'' Project Evaluation Decisions: A Cross-Cultural Investigation., ' The 1997 American Accounting Association National Conference., 1997
1997 C. Chow;V. Awasthi;吳安妮, 1997, 'Performance Measure and Resource Expenditure choices in a Teamwork Environment: The Effects of National Culture., ' The 1997 American Accounting Association National Conference., 1997
1997 C. Chow;R. Hwang;W. Liao;吳安妮, 1997, 'The Effect of Social Pressure and National Culture on Subordinates Communication of Private Information for Intrafirm Resource Allocations: An Exploratory Study, ' The Ninth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., 1997
1997 蔡瑞煌*;W. Chen;Y. Lin, 1997, 'Application of Neural Networks to Financial Swaps, ' Proceedings of 6th International Conference on the Theories and Practices of Security and Financial Markets.(*為通訊作者), 1997
1997 黃思明, 1997, '全國商品資料網路化, ' 八十六年度全國產業自動化會議商業分組專家研討會., 1997
1996 曾淑峰;金士俊, 1996.12, '決策模擬系統中智慧型諮詢工具之研究, ' 第一屆資訊應用發展國際學術專業研討會, 中華民國資訊應用發展協會., Dec. 1996
1996 楊亨利, 1996.12, '在台灣資訊科技帶給組織競爭優勢的三個實例, ' 第一屆資訊應用發展國際學術專業研討會., Dec. 1996