Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
1996 趙玉, 1996.10, 'Final-Matrix Based and Fast Implementation of Recurrent DSP Scheduling, '., Oct. 1996
1996 趙玉, 1996.10, 'A CAD Tool for Network Simulation Based on A Protocol Design CAD Tool, '., Oct. 1996
1996 Chow, C.;V. Awasthi;A. Wu, 1996.10, 'Management Control and National Culture: An Instructional Case, ' The 1996 Management Accounting Conference., Oct. 1996
1996 姜國輝*;楊博文, 1996.10, '一個應用於CSCW環境中的協同控制機制之雛形-研究CSCW之通訊控制, ' TaNet’96研討會論文集, 教育部(TaNet).(*為通訊作者), Oct. 1996
1996 Chow, C.;A. Wu, 1996.10, 'Cross Cultural Difference in Corporate Cultures and the Culture-Perforance Relationship: A Three Country Companies, ' The Eighth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues., Oct. 1996
1996 樓永堅, 1996.10, '國內企業合作之現況及展望, ' 第五屆產業管理研討會, 國立台灣大學., Oct. 1996
1996 黃思明, 1996.10, '更快速,更敏銳,更正確的反應力, ' 從求生存到卓越群倫-展現台灣企業生命力的案例研討會,財團法人豐群基金會., Oct. 1996
1996 楊光華, 1996.09, '評「兩岸貿易協定之法制規劃」, ' 九七以後兩岸三地經貿關係之展望研討會, 中國經濟學會., Sep. 1996
1996 謝劍平, 1996.09, '台灣企業購併決策與Tobin''s Q比率之相關性研究, '., Sep. 1996
1996 Lien-Ti Bei;Richard Heslin, 1996.08, 'The Effects of Product Knowledge and Product Involvement on Consumers'' Purchase Decisions, ' The 1996 Convention of the American Psychological Association., Aug. 1996