Conference Paper

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Year Paper Title
趙玉, 'Properties Of Multi-Valued Hopfield Networks, ' IJCNN 92''., Oct. 2024
趙玉, 'Theory, Parallelization and Scheduling of Critical Loops, Subcritical loops, and Next- Critical loops, ' ICS92''., Oct. 2024
趙玉, 'An X-Window Implementation of Finding Critical Loops, Next-Critical loops,Subcritical loops and Iteration Bounds for Data Flow Diagrams, ' MASCOT93''., Oct. 2024
趙玉, 'Performance Evaluation Using Data Flow Diagrams For Concurrent Processing, ' SMC 92''., Oct. 2024
趙玉, 'X Window Implementation Of Petri Net Based Animation For FMS, ' SMC 92''., Oct. 2024
趙玉;Zhou, M. C., 'Extending Knitting Technique to Petri Net Synthesis Of Automated Manufacturing Systems, ' Rensselaer''s 3rd. Int''l Conf.Comp.intgrtd. Manuf.92''., Oct. 2024