Journal Paper

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Year Paper Title
1999 馬秀如, 1999.01, '論公會宜否參與審計準則制定及發佈之機制, ' 會計研究月刊, No.158, pp.43-56., vol. 192415, Jan. 1999
1999 吳安妮, 1999.01, ' 驅動利潤與績效的利器─整合性成本系統(下), ' 會計研究月刊, No.158, pp.76-82., vol. 181251, Jan. 1999
1999 湯宗益, 1999.01, '電訊通勤之二部曲, ' 信用合作季刊, Vol.00, No.59, pp.66-68., vol. 154108, Jan. 1999
1999 Gillian H. H. Yeo;Sheng-Syan Chen;Kim Wai Ho;Cheng-few Lee*, 1999, 'Effects of Executive Share Option Plans on Shareholder Wealth and Firm Performance: The Singapore Evidence, ' Financial Review, Vol.34, No.2, pp.1-20.(*為通訊作者), vol. 416516, 1999
1999 Sheng-Syan Chen;Kim Wai Ho;Gillian H. H. Yeo, 1999, 'The Determinants of Debt Maturity: The Case of Bank Financing in Singapore, ' Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol.12, No.4, pp.341-350., vol. 416514, 1999
1999 Sheng-Syan Chen;Frank C. Jen;Dosoung Choi, 1999, 'The Determination of the Seniority Structure of Debt: Theory and Evidence, ' Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol.13, No.1, pp.5-28., vol. 416512, 1999
1999 Kung-Chung Liu, 1999, '"Unfair Competition Law in Taiwan", ' International Review of Industrial Property and Copyright Law, Vol.30, No.4, pp.377-402.(SSCI), vol. 311785, 1999
1999 溫肇東, 1999, '評『科技反撲』, ' 中山管理評論, Vol.7, No.2., vol. A12290, 1999
1999 李仁芳;張笠雲, 1999, '產業台灣, 正在當今潮流的浪頭上, ' 台灣產業研究-網路台灣:企業的人情關係與經濟理性, Vol.第一卷, No.第二期., vol. 191041, 1999
1999 李仁芳, 1999, '財產權結構,專質性知識與管理統制效能之探索-台灣便利商店厚基組織論觀點的個案研究, ' 台灣產業研究, Vol.1, No.1, pp.227-316., vol. 147665, 1999