Journal Paper

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Year Paper Title
1997 Lien-Ti Bei;Richard Heslin, 1997, 'The Consumer Reports Mindset: Who Seeks the Value-The Involved or the Knowledgeable?, ' Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.14, pp.151-158.(SSCI), vol. 163326, 1997
1997 彭朱如*;王維元;張錦文;黃松共, 1997, '從跨組織關係理論觀點探討醫院間的合作策略, ' 中原學報, Vol.25, No.4, pp.1-16.(*為通訊作者), vol. 300362, 1997
1997 Aljaber, N;Baek, W;Chen, Chuen-Lung*, 1997, 'Tabu Search Approach to the Cell Formation Problem, '.(*為通訊作者), vol. 308523, 1997
1997 Gong, L.;J. Pruett;K. Tang, 1997, 'A Markovian Model for Process Setup and Improvement, ' Naval Research Logistics, Vol.44, pp.383-400.(SCI), vol. 409956, 1997
1997 Chen Y. L.;K. Tang, 1997, 'Shortest Paths in Time-Schedule Networks, ' International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, Vol.3, No.3, pp.157-173.(SCI), vol. 409954, 1997
1997 Liao T. W.;K. Tang, 1997, 'Automated Extraction of Welds from Digitized Radiographic Images Based on MLP Neural Networks, ' Applied Artificial Intelligence, Vol.11, pp.197-218.(SCI), vol. 409953, 1997
1997 Tang J.;K. Tang;H. Moskowitz, 1997, 'Bayesian Estimation of System Reliability from Component Test Data, ' Naval Research Logistics, Vol.44, No.1, pp.127-146.(SCI), vol. 409952, 1997
1997 Chen Y. L.;D. Rinks;K. Tang, 1997, 'Critical Paths in an Activity Network with Time Constraints, ' European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.100, pp.122-133.(SCI), vol. 409951, 1997
1997 Gong L.;W. Jwo,;K. Tang, 1997, 'Using On-line Sensors in Statistical Process Control, ' Management Science, Vol.43, No.7, pp.1017-1029.(SCI), vol. 409950, 1997
1997 Gong L.;K. Tang, 1997, 'Monitoring Machine Operations Using On-line Sensors, ' European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.96, pp.479-492.(SCI), vol. 409949, 1997