Journal Paper

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Year Paper Title
1990 馬秀如, 1990.03, '師美之長,補己之短, ' 會計研究月刊,., vol. 118808, Mar. 1990
1990 Fern-Ching Lin*;陳恭, 1990.02, 'On the Design of a Unidirectional Systolic Array for Key Enumeration, ' IEEE Transactions on Computer, Vol.39, No.2, pp.266-269.(SCIE, EI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 199872, Feb. 1990
1990 裘錦天, 1990.02, '美國多媒體教育的新趨勢, '., vol. 120172, Feb. 1990
1990 黃金發, 1990.02, '萬事皆備只欠東風--中小企業如何健全財務管理與會計制度[座談會], '., vol. 120792, Feb. 1990
1990 司徒達賢, 1990.02, '台灣企業成功經驗, '., vol. 119578, Feb. 1990
1990 Fern-Ching Lin*;陳恭, 1990, 'On the Design of an Integrated Systolic Array for Solving Simultaneous Linear Equations, ' The Computer Journal, Vol.33, No.3, pp.252-260.(SCIE, EI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 199873, 1990
1990 Chen, Chuen-Lung;Bulfin, R.L*, 1990, 'Scheduling Unit Processing Time Jobs on a Single Machine with Multiple Criteria, ' Computers and Operations Research, Vol.17, No.1, pp.1-7.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 308540, 1990
1990 Ting, C.P.*;Lei, S.Y., 1990, 'Optimal block designs with nested rows and columns for control-test treatment comparisons, ' 中國統計學報, Vol.28, pp.197-211.(*為通訊作者), vol. 118935, 1990
1990 余千智, 1990, '整合性專家決策支援系統之觀念架構與作業流程, '., vol. 120053, 1990
1990 管康彥, 1990, 'Organizational Downsizing to Promote Entrepreneurship, '., vol. 120568, 1990