Journal Paper

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Year Paper Title
1990 劉文卿;Tan, J. J. M., 1990, 'Minimum Rectangular Partition Problem for Simple Rectilinear Polygons, '., vol. 120131, 1990
1990 楊建民;劉美鳳, 1990, '綜合所得稅申報諮詢專家系統, ' 資管評論, No.2., vol. 120087, 1990
1990 李易諭;Kramer, B. A., 1990, 'Part-Period Balancing with Uncertainty, '., vol. 119485, 1990
1990 周玲臺, 1990, '公開發行公司年度報告內容之改進, ' 會計研究月刊,., vol. 119173, 1990
1990 于卓民, 1990, 'Gibrat''s Law in Marketing:The Case of Liquor Sales, '., vol. 119285, 1990
1990 于卓民, 1990, 'Foreign Direct Investment and the Experience Effect, '., vol. 119284, 1990
1990 于卓民, 1990, 'Piggybacking:A Quick Way to Internationalization, '., vol. 119283, 1990
1990 M. Tang;Chwo-Ming J. Yu, 1990, 'Foreign Market Entry:Production-Related Strategies, ' Management Science, Vol.36, No.4, pp.476-489.(SSCI), vol. 119282, 1990
1989 施文森, 1989.12, '論產險業者於現行汽車保險單下所面臨之困境, '., vol. 105984, Dec. 1989
1989 施文森, 1989.11, '強制汽車保險改進之前提:兼評行政院經建會「強制汽車第三人責任保險改進方案」, '., vol. 105983, Nov. 1989