Journal Paper

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Year Paper Title
1985 Chand S.;K. Tang, 1985, 'A Comparison of Average and Discounted Cost Models for the Dynamic Lot Size Inventory Problem, ' European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.22, No.1, pp.9-18.(SCI), vol. 409909, 1985
1984 施文森, 1984.12, '強制機械遊樂設施保險之研擬:承保辦法、基本條款及費率公式, '., vol. 105969, Dec. 1984
1984 姜國輝*, 1984.10, '電腦輔助量測系統之架構, ' 工業技術月刊, Vol.資訊月特刊.(*為通訊作者), vol. 255608, Oct. 1984
1984 施文森, 1984.09, '保險法及施行細則暨保險業管理辦法逐條分析, '., vol. 105968, Sep. 1984
1984 施文森, 1984.06, '保險法修正之基本構想與要旨, '., vol. 105967, Jun. 1984
1984 許崇源, 1984.05, '論我國一般公認會計原則之建立, '., vol. 119249, May. 1984
1984 陳坤銘, 1984, '台灣的利率與儲蓄, ' 貨幣市場簡訊, No.27, pp.5-13., vol. 140828, 1984
1984 Moskowitz H.;R. Plante;K. Tang;A. Ravindran, 1984, 'Multiattribute Bayesian Acceptance Sampling Plans for Screening and Scrapping Rejected Lots, ' IIE Transactions, Vol.16, No.2, pp.185-192.(SCI), vol. 409908, 1984
1983 鄭濟世, 1983.12, '我國汽車責任保險之回顧與展望, '., vol. 119756, Dec. 1983
1983 施文森, 1983.12, '保險法關於資金運用之規定及修訂之研究, '., vol. 105966, Dec. 1983