Year | 2016 |
Authors | KWEI TANG |
Paper Title | Fang, Y.H.*;Tang, K., 2016, 'Involuntary migration in cyberspaces: The case of MSN messenger discontinuation, ' Telematics and Informatics, Vol.34, pp.177-193.(*為通訊作者) |
Vol.No | 411389 |
Login NCCU College of Commerce
Year | 2016 |
Authors | KWEI TANG |
Paper Title | Fang, Y.H.*;Tang, K., 2016, 'Involuntary migration in cyberspaces: The case of MSN messenger discontinuation, ' Telematics and Informatics, Vol.34, pp.177-193.(*為通訊作者) |
Vol.No | 411389 |