Journal Paper

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Year Paper Title
1995 楊亨利, 1995, 'Reformulation Semantic Integrity Constraints Precisely, ' Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.11, No.4, pp.513-540.(SCIE), vol. 118559, 1995
1995 楊亨利, 1995, 'A Network Model for Organizational Decision Marking, ' Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal, Vol.26, No.2, pp.211-236.(SCIE), vol. 118534, 1995
1995 謝劍平, 1995, 'The Impact of Gold Price on the Returns of Gold Mining Stock, '., vol. 129793, 1995
1995 于卓民, 1995, '織出一片天:致力於研發與技術的東榮纖維, '., vol. 119313, 1995
1995 于卓民, 1995, 'Firm Characteristics and Importing from Psychologically Distant Markets:The Case of Taiwanese Firms Importing from Europe, '., vol. 119295, 1995
1995 Merchant, K.;C. Chow;A. Wu, 1995, 'Measurement, Evaluation and Reward of Profit Center Managers: A Cross-Cultural Field Study, ' Accounting, Organization and Society, Vol.20, No.7-8, pp.619-638.(SSCI), vol. 118544, 1995
1995 Ting, C.P.*;Yang, Y.Y., 1995, 'Bayes A-optimal block designs and Gamma-minimax designs, ' 中國統計學報, Vol.33, pp.355-371.(*為通訊作者), vol. 118554, 1995
1995 楊亨利, 1995, 'Information/Knowledge Acquisition Methods for Decision Support systems and Expert Systems, ' Information Processing and Management --- An International Journal, Vol.31, No.1, pp.47-58.(SSCI), vol. 118535, 1995
1995 于卓民, 1995, 'The Determinants of Bilateral Trade Among Asia-Pacific Countries, '., vol. 119293, 1995
1995 周玲臺;李建然;劉啟群, 1995, '上市公司審計報告總體檢(上), ' 會計研究月刊,., vol. 119169, 1995