Journal Paper

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Year Paper Title
1994 謝耀龍, 1994, 'Personal Relationship and Its Influence on Export Behavior: An Empirical Study, '., vol. 129763, 1994
1994 賴松鐘, 1994, '美國匯率與英國金價長期互動關係之研究, '., vol. 131184, 1994
1994 Yang, S;Cheng, M, 1994, 'DEsign of S control chart under two assignable cacuses, ' 政大學報, Vol.69, No.2, pp.193-214.(TSSCI), vol. 118530, 1994
1994 Yang, S;Tsia, M., 1994, 'The Development and Application of S Control Chart, ' Journal of Chinese Statistical Association, Vol.32, No.4, pp.431-461., vol. 118529, 1994
1994 Ting, C.P.*, 1994, 'A-optimal block designs for comparing test treatments with a control when k > v, ' 中國統計學報, Vol.32, pp.257-279.(*為通訊作者), vol. 118524, 1994
1994 Sen, A.;Vinze, A.S.;Liou, S.T.(曾淑峰), 1994, 'Role of Control in the Model Formulation Process, ' Information Systems Research, Vol.5, No.3, pp.219-248.(SSCI), vol. 117937, 1994
1994 湯宗益, 1994, 'Academic Directions of the IS Key Issues, '., vol. 118514, 1994
1994 Robert K. Su*, 1994, 'Validation and Unification of Merger Theories: A Canonical Correlation Approach, ' Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, Vol.5, pp.335-345.(*為通訊作者), vol. 118894, 1994
1994 Kim C.T.;K. Tang;M. Peters, 1994, 'A Two stage Procedure for Three class Screening, ' European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.79, pp.431-442.(SCI), vol. 409945, 1994
1994 Tang K.;J. Tang, 1994, 'Design of Screening Procedures: A Review, ' Journal of Quality Technology, Vol.26, No.3, pp.209-226.(SCI), vol. 409944, 1994