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Yu-Tzu Chang*;Dan Stone, 2019.09, 'Proposal Readability, Audit Firm Size and Engagement Success: Do More Readable Proposals Win Governmental Audit Engagements?, ' Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol.34, No.8, pp.871-894.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 422521, Sep. 2019 |
2019 |
Huang, Y.L.;Yenn-Ru Chen, 2019.09, 'Equity Issuances and the Value of Cash Holdings, ' Journal of Financial Studies, Vol.27, No.3, pp.1-39.(TSSCI), vol. 423428, Sep. 2019 |
2019 |
張瑜倩*, 2019.08, '英國創意產業中介組織之中介行為, ' 國內外文化產業訊息及趨勢分析雙月報, Vol.108年, No.4, pp.32-36.(*為通訊作者), vol. 424426, Aug. 2019 |
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Ping-Hsun Chen*, 2019.08, 'Not Just a Base, Use of “Swelling Agent” in a Claim for Emulsion Polymerization Patents: A Lesson from Organik Kimya AS v. Rohm & Haas Co., ' Biotechnology Law Report, Vol.38, No.4, pp.216–223.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 423449, Aug. 2019 |
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Bang-Ning Hwang*;Mu-Yen Hsu, 2019.08, 'The Impact of Technological Innovation upon - Evidence from Taiwan Community Innovation Survey, ' Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol.30, No.8, pp.?.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 423948, Aug. 2019 |
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Lin, C.-Y.*;鄭宗記, 2019.08, 'Health Status and Life Satisfaction among People with Disabilities: Evidence from Taiwan, ' Disability and Health Journal, Vol.12, pp.249-256.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 434253, Aug. 2019 |
2019 |
Shou-Lin Yang;Ariana Chang*;Yen-Hsun Chen;許永明, 2019.08, 'Can Country Trade Flows Benefit from Improved Corporate Social Responsibility Ratings?, ' Economic Modelling, Vol.80, pp.192-201.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 421287, Aug. 2019 |
2019 |
Yu-Hsi Yuan;Sheng-Hao Tsao;Jiin-Tian Chyou;Sang-Bing Tsai*, 2019.08, 'An empirical study on effects of electronic word-of-mouth and Internet risk avoidance on purchase intention: from the perspective of big data, ' Soft Computing, pp.10-28.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 424454, Aug. 2019 |
2019 |
Yang, Heng-Li*;Lin, Shiang-Lin, 2019.08, 'Applying Fuzzy AHP to Analyze the Critical Factors of Adopting SOLOMO Services, ' International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol.17, No.4, pp.483-511.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 418970, Aug. 2019 |
2019 |
Yi-Wen Chen;Konan Chan;Yuanchen Chang, 2019.08, 'Peer Effects on Corporate Cash Holdings, ' International Review of Economics & Finance, Vol.61, pp.213-227.(SSCI), vol. 424285, Aug. 2019 |