Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
2009 馮震宇, 2009.03, '金融工具市場指令MiFID起跑—金融海嘯下歐盟金融市場改革, ' 能力雜誌, No.637, pp.112-119., vol. 281996, Mar. 2009
2009 林建智*;彭凱璐, 2009.03, '論人壽保險契約於核保期間之效力問題, ' 壽險管理, No.22.(*為通訊作者), vol. 292285, Mar. 2009
2009 Yang, Heng-Li*;Cheng, Hsiu-Hua, 2009.03, 'Creative Self-efficacy and Its Factors: An Empirical Study of Information System Analysts and Programmers, ' Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.25, No.2, pp.429-438.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 265072, Mar. 2009
2009 Chen, Le-Hui*;Woo-Tsong Lin, 2009.03, 'To Evaluate Partners in Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR) Using Goodwill Trust, ' Electronic Commerce Studies, Vol.7, No.1, pp.5-26.(*為通訊作者), vol. 253536, Mar. 2009
2009 趙玉, 2009.03, 'Direct Minimal Empty Siphon Computation Using MIP, ' Int J Adv Manuf Technol, Vol.45, No.3, pp.397-405, DOI: 10.100.(SCI), vol. 273995, Mar. 2009
2009 趙玉, 2009.03, 'Technical Note  Reducing MIP Iterations for Deadlock Prevention of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, ' International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol.41, No.3, pp.343-346.(SCI), vol. 239428, Mar. 2009
2009 黃元鶴*;李有仁;陳家祥, 2009.03, 'Information Synergy As the Catalyst Between IT Capability and Innovativeness: Empirical Evidence from Financial Service Sector, ' Information Research: An International Electronic Journal, Vol.14, No.1, pp.1-16.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 302349, Mar. 2009
2009 Chen, J.S.;Yen, H.J.R.;李有仁*;Ching, R.K.H., 2009.03, 'Measuring CRM Effectiveness: Construct Development, Validation, and Application of a Process-Oriented Model, ' Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (U.K.), Vol.20, No.3, pp.283-299.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 253642, Mar. 2009
2009 邱天禹;謝淑貞*, 2009.03, 'REGIME-SWITCHED VOLATILITY OF BRENT CRUDE OIL FUTURES WITH MARKOV-SWITCHING ARCH MODEL, ' IJTAF, Vol.2, No.12, pp.113-124.(EI, 國科會優良期刊)(*為通訊作者), vol. 290479, Mar. 2009
2009 林柏生*;陳麗慧, 2009.03, '全球化下跨國水平與垂直雙向投資的一般均衡分析/中央研究院經濟研究所經濟論文, ' 中央研究院經濟研究所經濟論文, Vol.37, No.1, pp.27-59.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 290391, Mar. 2009