Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
2005 Chi, W., 2005.11, 'The effect of mandatory audit-firm rotation: A monitoring perspective., ' Research in Accounting Regulation, Vol.18, pp.283-285., vol. 255751, Nov. 2005
2005 許崇源;林宛瑩;陳瑞斌, 2005.11, '科技類企業集團控股型態(V)-聯電集團, ' 貨幣觀測與信用評等雙月刊, No.56., vol. 236194, Nov. 2005
2005 馮震宇, 2005.10, '連鎖加盟產業進軍中國大陸--人脈.資金.技術.法規四管齊下 -下, ' 能力雜誌, No.596, pp.104-109., vol. 213782, Oct. 2005
2005 楊亨利;尤松文, 2005.10, '資訊管理課程中學生學習之釋意歷程, ' 資訊管理展望, Vol.7, No.2, pp.1-29., vol. 180499, Oct. 2005
2005 李有仁*;Joseph R. Biggs;Emil A. Thies, 2005.10, 'Managing Constrained Capacity: A Simulation Study, ' International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, Vol.3, No.4, pp.365-384.(EI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 394269, Oct. 2005
2005 蔡孟佳, 2005.10, '2005年貿易業經營環境大調查2—4大目標 突破艱困貿易環境, ' 貿易雜誌, No.172., vol. 252589, Oct. 2005
2005 蔡孟佳, 2005.10, '2005年貿易業經營環境大調查1—6大方向 探討台灣貿易環境更迭, ' 貿易雜誌, No.172., vol. 252587, Oct. 2005
2005 廖四郎*;黃星華, 2005.10, 'Pricing Black-Scholes Options with Correlated Interest Rate Risk and Credit Risk: An Extension, ' Quantitative Finance, Vol.5, No.5, pp.443-457.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 196118, Oct. 2005
2005 Chiu, Su-fen*;Han, Tzu-Shian, 2005.10, 'Exploring the antecedents of support for employee participation, ' 政大勞動學報, No.18.(*為通訊作者), vol. 194374, Oct. 2005
2005 周玲臺;張文靜*;林修葳, 2005.10, 'The Effect of Dismissal Threat on Auditor Independence, ' Taiwan Accounting Review, Vol.6, No.1, pp.97-123.(有評審制之TSSCI EQUIV學術期刊)(*為通訊作者), vol. 216435, Oct. 2005