Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
2005 Kung-Chung Liu, 2005.11, 'Interface between IP and Competition Law in Taiwan, ' The Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol.8, No.6, pp.735-760.(The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals), vol. 311775, Nov. 2005
2005 馮震宇, 2005.11, '煙硝四起的標準爭奪戰, ' 能力雜誌, No.597, pp.104-113., vol. 213781, Nov. 2005
2005 楊亨利*;鄭秀華, 2005.11, '影響台灣中小企業採用知識管理之意圖—以玩具產業為例, ' 中華管理評論國際學報, Vol.8, No.4.(*為通訊作者), vol. 198187, Nov. 2005
2005 Wild, R.H.;Griggs, K.A.;李有仁 Li, E.Y.*, 2005.11, 'An Architecture for Distributed Scenario Building and Evaluation: Collaborative Learning from the Future, ' Communications of the ACM, Vol.48, No.11, pp.80-86.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 197745, Nov. 2005
2005 Der-Chin Horng, 2005.11, 'The ECB's Membership in the IMF: Legal Approaches to Constitutional Challenges, ' European Law Journal, Vol.11, No.6, pp.830-850.(SSCI), vol. 198480, Nov. 2005
2005 蔡孟佳, 2005.11, '貿易便捷化 現況與期待仍有落差, ' 貿易雜誌, No.173., vol. 252593, Nov. 2005
2005 蔡孟佳, 2005.11, '積極佈局中、東歐 進軍歐盟市場, ' 貿易雜誌, No.173., vol. 252592, Nov. 2005
2005 蔡孟佳, 2005.11, '師法日韓、利用中國 提升台灣經貿成長, ' 貿易雜誌, No.173., vol. 252591, Nov. 2005
2005 譚丹琪, 2005.11, 'Book Reviews-"Global Taiwan: Building Competitive Strengths in a New International Economy, by Suzanne Berger and Richard K. Lester", ' Journal of International Business Studies, pp.on-line book review., vol. 226359, Nov. 2005
2005 Thomas, K. M.*;Hu, C.;Gerwin, A. D.;Bingham, K. L.;Yanchus, N. J., 2005.11, 'The roles of protege gender, race, gender, and proactive socialization attempts on peer mentoring, ' Advances in Developing Human Resources, Vol.7, No.5, pp.540-555.(ABI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 259597, Nov. 2005