Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
2000 王文英, 2000, '資訊資源之累績與管理會計-以宏碁為例, ' 交大管理學報, Vol.20, No.1, pp.103-119.(TSSCI), vol. 147195, 2000
2000 邱志聖, 2000, 'Antecedents and Moderators of Behavioral Intention:Differences between the United States and Taiwanese Students., ' Genetic,Social,and General Psychology Monographs, Vol.126, No.1, pp.105-124.(SSCI), vol. 147949, 2000
2000 Chen, Chuen-Lung;Kaber, D.B*;Dempsey, P.G, 2000, 'A new approach to applying feedforward neural networks to the prediction of musculoskeletal disorder risk, ' Applied Ergonomics, Vol.31, pp.269-282.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 308519, 2000
2000 Chang, D. S.;K. Tang;C .W. Lai, 2000, 'Sensor-Based On-line Screening Procedure and Tool Replacement Policy, ' International Journal of Management Theory and Practices, Vol.1, No.1, pp.65-78.(SCI), vol. 409963, 2000
2000 Chen, Y. L.;D. Rinks;K. Tang, 2000, 'The First K Minimum Cost Paths in a Time-Schedule Network, ' Journal of Operational Research Society, Vol.52, No.1, pp.102-108.(SCI), vol. 409962, 2000
2000 Williams, W. W.;K. Tang;L. Gong, 2000, 'Process Improvement for a Container-filling Process with Random Shifts, ' International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.66, No.1, pp.23-31.(SCI), vol. 409961, 2000
2000 Roan, J.;L. Gong;K. Tang, 2000, 'Joint Determination of Process Mean, Production Run Size and Raw Material Order Quantity, ' International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.63, No.3, pp.303-317.(SCI), vol. 409960, 2000
1999 徐作聖;許友耕;鄭志強;邱奕嘉, 1999.12, '國家創新系統與競爭力-台灣積體電路產業之實證, ' 經濟情勢評論季刊, Vol.5, No.3., vol. 321959, Dec. 1999
1999 姜國輝*, 1999.12, '網路社區與其間網路技術應用之探討, ' 中南工大學報(自然科學版), Vol.Vol. 30.(EI, ASPT)(*為通訊作者), vol. 255369, Dec. 1999
1999 曾令寧;陳威光, 1999.12, '信用風險模型簡介─信用計量法及信用風險加成法, ' 存款保險資訊季刊, Vol.13, No.2, pp.63-92., vol. 148581, Dec. 1999