Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
1999 馬秀如, 1999, '內部控制、內部稽核及內部審核範圍之探討, ' 主計月報, No.521, pp.26-33., vol. 192417, 1999
1999 馬秀如, 1999, '從試題看會計師的法律責任, ' 實用稅務, No.291, pp.86-71., vol. 192416, 1999
1999 Harrison, P.;C. Chow;A. Wu;A. Harrell, 1999, 'A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Managers Project Evaluation Decisions., ' Behavioral Research in Accounting, Vol.11, pp.143-160., vol. 147053, 1999
1999 Gupta, J.N.D*;Palanimuthu, N.;Chen, Chuen-Lung, 1999, 'Desinging Tabu Search Algorithm for the Two-Stage Flow Shop Problem with Secondary Criterion, ' Production Planning and Control, Vol.10, No.3, pp.251-265.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 308520, 1999
1999 Tang, K.;W. W. Williams;W. Jwo;L. Gong, 1999, 'Performance Comparison Between On-Line Sensors and Control Charts in Manufacturing Process Monitoring, ' IIE Transactions, Vol.31, No.12, pp.1181-1190.(SCI), vol. 409959, 1999
1999 Chun, Y. H.;K. Tang, 1999, 'Cost Analysis of Two-attribute Warranty Policies Based on the Product Usage Rate, ' IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol.46, No.2, pp.201-209.(IEEE), vol. 409958, 1999
1999 吳思華;許總雲, 1999, '服務業中知識資源建構與維持策略之研究, ' 中華管理評論, Vol.2, No.1, pp.1-8., vol. 404727, 1999
1999 Huang, Tai-Hsin, 1999, 'A Parametric Estimation of Bank Efficiencies Using a Flexible Profit Function with Panel Data, ' Australian Economic Papers, Vol.38, pp.422-445.(Eco. Lit), vol. 210321, 1999
1998 馮震宇, 1998.12, '論架設網站應注意的法律問題與因應之道(下), ' 資訊法務透析, pp.60-76., vol. 169001, Dec. 1998
1998 馮震宇, 1998.12, '論新著作權法合理使用的規定, ' 萬國法律, No.102, pp.57-85., vol. 168996, Dec. 1998