Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
1998 Lin, Y.Y., 1998, 'Success factors of small- and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan: An analysis of cases, ' Journal of Small Business Management, Vol.36, No.4, pp.43-56.(SSCI), vol. 319534, 1998
1998 Lin, Y.Y., 1998, 'The essence of empowerment: A conceptual model and a case illustration, ' Journal of Applied Management Studies, Vol.7, No.2, pp.223-238., vol. 319531, 1998
1998 馬秀如, 1998, '商業.會計.記帳人Ⅱ-記帳業與會計師相爭的三方演義, ' 會計研究月刊, No.156, pp.18-31., vol. 192425, 1998
1998 管郁君, 1998, '如何以資訊和資訊科技之有效管理提昇我國高科技產業之競爭力, ' 管理論文選集, pp.841-855., vol. 322501, 1998
1998 Tsaih, R.*;Hsu, Y.;Lai, C., 1998, 'Forecasting S&P 500 Stock Index Futures with the Hybrid AI system, ' Decision Support Systems, Vol.23, No.2, pp.161-174.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 135239, 1998
1998 Tsaih, R.*, 1998, 'An Explanation of Reasoning Neural Networks, ' Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol.28, No.2, pp.37-44.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 135237, 1998
1998 吳思華, 1998, '從經濟觀點看智財權保護, ' 中央研究院計算中心通訊, Vol.14, No.2, pp.13-14., vol. 404729, 1998
1998 吳思華;王政堂, 1998, '台灣積體電路(IC)相關產業間共生型態之研究, ' 科技管理學刊, Vol.3, No.1, pp.157-184.(TSSCI), vol. 404728, 1998
1998 Ming-Chin Chen;Sanjay Gupta, 1998, 'Evidence on the Relation between Corporate Effective Tax Rates and Firm Characteristics after TRA 86: A Simultaneous Estimation Approach, ' Proceedings of the Fourth (1998) International Conference on Contemporary Accounting Issues,., vol. 187644, 1998
1998 許崇源, 1998, '我國兩稅合一制度對所得稅會計之影響, ' 實用稅務, Vol.0, No.283, pp.62-68., vol. 147104, 1998