Year | 2007 |
Authors | YI-CHIA CHIU |
Paper Title | Chu, Y.P.;Sher,P.J.;Yeh, M.L.;Chiu, Y.C., 2007, 'Will the Leading Firm Continue to Dominate the Market in the Taiwan Notebook Industry?, ' Physica A, Vol.383, No.2, pp.474-479.(SCI) |
Vol.No | 321536 |
Login NCCU College of Commerce
Year | 2007 |
Authors | YI-CHIA CHIU |
Paper Title | Chu, Y.P.;Sher,P.J.;Yeh, M.L.;Chiu, Y.C., 2007, 'Will the Leading Firm Continue to Dominate the Market in the Taiwan Notebook Industry?, ' Physica A, Vol.383, No.2, pp.474-479.(SCI) |
Vol.No | 321536 |