Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
2012 簡睿哲;Rudolf R. Sinkovics*;Daekwan Kim, 2012.09, 'Drivers and performance outcomes of supplier innovation generation in customer-supplier relationships: the role of power-dependence, ' Decision Sciences, Vol.43, No.6, pp.1003-1038.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 364497, Sep. 2012
2012 施文真*, 2012.09, 'Legal nature of the traded units under the emissions trading systems and its implication to the relationship between emissions trading and the WTO, ' Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.9, No.2, pp.112-141.(westlaw)(*為通訊作者), vol. 385399, Sep. 2012
2012 楊光華*, 2012.09, '台灣加入WTO十年的回顧與展望, ' 月旦法學雜誌, No.208, pp.93-128.(*為通訊作者), vol. 411722, Sep. 2012
2012 張愛華;曾忠蕙*;黃育盈, 2012.09, '資訊 超載 對網路購物 網路購物 決策之影響 決策之影響 —中介 效果, ' 電子商務學報, Vol.14, No.3, pp.411-440.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 348074, Sep. 2012
2012 吳宗祐*;胡昌亞;姜定宇, 2012.09, 'Is subordinate’s loyalty a precondition of supervisor’s benevolent leadership? The moderating effects of supervisor’s altruistic personality and perceived organizational support., ' Asian Journal of Social Psychology., Vol.15, No.3, pp.145–155.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 364419, Sep. 2012
2012 Tsung-Yu Wu*;Changya Hu, 2012.09, 'Abusive supervision and subordinate emotional labor: The moderating role of openness personality, ' Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol.43, No.5, pp.956–970.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 349267, Sep. 2012
2012 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Lu, T.C;Lin, H.W, 2012.09, 'A different perspective of expatriate management, ' Human Resource Management Review, Vol.22, No.3, pp.189-207.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 394987, Sep. 2012
2012 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L., 2012.09, 'National Intellectual Capital Model and Measurement, ' International Journal of Knowledge Based Development, Vol.3, No.1, pp.58-82.(*為通訊作者), vol. 367163, Sep. 2012
2012 Chen,Y.C.*;Lin, C.Y.Y.;Lin, S.;McDonough, E., 2012.09, 'Does Transformational Leadership Facilitate Technological Innovation? The Moderating Roles of Innovative Culture and Incentive Compensation, ' Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Vol.29, No.2, pp.239-264.(*為通訊作者), vol. 360620, Sep. 2012
2012 Gong, Y.*;Cheung, S. Y.;Wang, M.;Huang, J. C., 2012.09, 'Unfolding proactive process for creativity: Integration of employee proactivity, information exchange, and psychological safety perspectives, ' Journal of Management, Vol.38, No.5, pp.1611-1633.(SSCI, 管理一學門推薦第一級學術期刊)(*為通訊作者), vol. 316063, Sep. 2012