Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
2001 吳啟銘, 2001.09, '台灣價值指數之編製與精選 25成份股評價, ' 寶來價值創造指數專刊, Vol.0, No.0, pp.0., vol. 148539, Sep. 2001
2001 M. Doran;周齊武;吳安妮, 2001.09, '有效增進終身學習能力之會計課程設計, ' 會計研究月刊, No.190, pp.129-135., vol. 181276, Sep. 2001
2001 Lien-Ti Bei, 2001.09, 'An Integrated Model for the Effects of Perceived Product, Perceived Service Quality, and Perceived Price Fairness on Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty, ' Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Vol.14, pp.125-140., vol. 139030, Sep. 2001
2001 馮震宇, 2001.08, '知識經濟之發展與智慧財產權的保護, ' 法政學報, No.13, pp.203-232., vol. 157065, Aug. 2001
2001 湯宗益; Yi-Shun Wang;Jeung-tai Eddie, 2001.08, 'An Instrument for Measuring Customer Satisfaction Toward Web Sites That Market Digital Products and Services, ' JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH, Vol.02, No.03, pp.00., vol. 154132, Aug. 2001
2001 吳安妮, 2001.08, '策略為焦點的組織─平衡計分卡式的公司如何在新企業環境中取勝(六), ' 會計研究月刊, No.189, pp.108-115., vol. 181275, Aug. 2001
2001 劉孔中;宿希成, 2001.07, '論商業方法、電子商務相關發明之專利保護─理論與實務之探討, ' 台大法學論叢, Vol.30, No.4, pp.215-243.(TSSCI), vol. 311714, Jul. 2001
2001 馮震宇, 2001.07, '論美國DMCA反規避條款之規範與檢討, ' 智慧財產月刊, No.31, pp.45-87., vol. 151954, Jul. 2001
2001 馮震宇;胡心蘭, 2001.07, '論美國著作權合理使用之原則與適用, ' 中原財經法學, No.6, pp.159-226., vol. 151951, Jul. 2001
2001 姜國輝*, 2001.07, '電腦產業之電子化供應網路管理~兼論康柏台威計畫, ' 華人企業論壇, Vol.2001年, No.夏季號.(*為通訊作者), vol. 255356, Jul. 2001