Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
2011 胡昌亞*;吳宗祐;王豫萱, 2011.03, 'Measurement equivalence/invariance of the abusive supervision measure across workers from Taiwan and the United States/The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, ' The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, Vol.145, No.2, pp.111-131.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 376530, Mar. 2011
2011 Chun-Chi Shen*;Jyh-Shen Chiou;Biing-Shen Kuo, 2011.03, 'Remedies for Information Asymmetry in Online Transaction: An Investigation into the Impact of Web Page Signals on Auction Outcome, ' Internet Research, Vol.21, No.2.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 335628, Mar. 2011
2011 Hung, W.H.;Huang, S.M.;Yen, C.C.;Chang, I.C.;Chiang, T.J., 2011.03, 'Building the Evaluation Model of the IT General Control for CPAs Under Enterprise Risk Management, ' Decision Support Systems, Vol.50, No.4, pp.692-701.(SCIE), vol. 412098, Mar. 2011
2011 Chang, Chia-Ching;Sheng-Syan Chen;Robin K. Chou;Chin-Wen Hsin, 2011.03, 'Intraday Return Spillovers and Its Variations across Trading Sessions, ' Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol.36, No.3, pp.355-390., vol. 315100, Mar. 2011
2011 陳俊元*, 2011.02, '英美保險代位本質之再探—兼論我國保險代位求償模式之再建構, ' 政大法學評論, No.119, pp.315-405.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 409531, Feb. 2011
2011 馮震宇, 2011.02, '天價賠償蝴蝶效應-專利策略不能靠「好險」, ' 能力雜誌, No.660., vol. 342344, Feb. 2011
2011 Yang, Heng-Li*;Lai, Cheng-Yu, 2011.02, 'Understanding Knowledge Sharing Behaviour in Wikipedia, ' Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol.30, No.1, pp.131-142.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 315345, Feb. 2011
2011 Daniel Y. Chao*, 2011.02, 'α-siphons of A Suboptimal Control Model of A Subclass of Petri Nets, ' Intelligent Control&Automation, Vol.2, No.1, pp.24-30.(*為通訊作者), vol. 328871, Feb. 2011
2011 趙玉, 2011.02, 'A Modification of Deadlock Prevention Policy of S3PR Based on Elementary Siphons, ' Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Vol.33, No.1, pp.93-115.(SCI), vol. 263335, Feb. 2011
2011 楊光華, 2011.02, '金融海嘯與世貿組織之金融服務貿易規範──兼論「審慎例外」, ' 政大法學評論, No.119, pp.235-315.(TSSCI), vol. 317893, Feb. 2011