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謝明華;Yi_Hsi Lee*;So-De Shyu;Min-Lin Lee, 2010.08, 'Relationships between TOPIX Real Estate and Nikkei 225 index, ' International Research Journal of Finance and Economic, Vol.42, pp.150-162.(EconLite)(*為通訊作者), vol. 318060, Aug. 2010 |
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張冠群, 2010.08, '方法意外?結果意外?重驗傷害保險中「意外」之偶發性認定標準, ' 法令月刊, Vol.61, No.8, pp.1000-1023., vol. 313191, Aug. 2010 |
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陳彩稚;S. Li*, 2010.08, 'Directors’ & Officers’ Insurance, Corporate Governance and Firm Performance, ' International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, Vol.7, No.3, pp.244-261.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), vol. 306117, Aug. 2010 |
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Hsu-Hao Tsai*;Yen-Ping Chi, 2010.08, 'Trend Analysis of Supply Chain Manag, ' Journal of Convergence Information Technology,.(EI, DBLP)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 320418, Aug. 2010 |
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Johannes K. Chiang*;Eric Yen, 2010.08, '基於語意網格的政府長期檔案管理系統的開發, ' 四川建材, Vol.36, No.156, pp.180-184.(ISTP)(*為通訊作者), vol. 360265, Aug. 2010 |
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Johannes K. Chiang;Chen-Wo Kuo*;Yu-Hsiang Yang*, 2010.08, 'A Bibliometric Study of E-learning Literature on SSCI Database / LNCS, ' Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.6249.(EI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 318984, Aug. 2010 |
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傅豐玲*, 2010.08, 'Comparison of students’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors in different classroom types in higher education, ' LNCS, Vol.6248, pp.415-426.(*為通訊作者), vol. 324902, Aug. 2010 |
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韓志翔*;Hsu-Hsin Chiang;Aihwa Chang, 2010.08, 'Employee participation in decision making, psychological ownership and knowledge sharing: Mediating role of organizational commitment, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)(本論著未刊登但已被接受), vol. 321863, Aug. 2010 |
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金成隆*;Lu, C. J, 2010.08, 'Determinants of analyst forecast horizon, ' Journal of Management, Vol.27, No.4, pp. 371-395.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 385349, Aug. 2010 |