Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
2003 薛慧敏;Chen, J. J.;Kodel, R. L., 2003, '“Comparison of methods for estimating the number of true null hypotheses in mulitplicity testing.”, ' Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Vol.0, No.13, pp.675-689.(Current Index of Statistics), vol. 143572, 2003
2003 Dexter*;Yue, Jack C.;Wachel, 2003, 'Use of Discharge Abstract Databases to Differentiate Among Pediatric Hospitals’ Operative Procedures: Surgery in Infants and Young Children in the State of Iowa, ' Anesthesiology,.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. A12107, 2003
2003 陳明吉;顏龍男, 2003, '國內資產管理公司設立對不動產市場可能影響與因應, ' 台灣銀行季刊, Vol.五十四, No.一, pp.97-123., vol. 405549, 2003
2003 陳彩稚*, 2003, '我國過失侵權行為與責任保險人身傷害賠償之分析, ' 保險專刊, Vol.19, No.11, pp.41-74.(*為通訊作者), vol. 147161, 2003
2003 苑守慈;Eva Tsao, 2003, 'A Recommendation Mechanism for Contexualized Mobile Advertising, ' Expert Systems with Applicationa, Vol.24, No.4, pp.399-414.(SCI), vol. 148724, 2003
2003 湯宗益;湯宗泰;劉文良, 2003, 'B2B電子商務e化功能與績效, ' 電子商務研究學報, Vol.01, No.02, pp.67-92., vol. 154153, 2003
2003 Yuanchen Chang;Stephen J. Taylor, 2003, 'Information Arrivals and Intraday Exchange Rate Volatility, ' Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Vol.13, No.2, pp.85-112., vol. 149953, 2003
2003 Huang, Tai-Hsin;Mei-Hui Wang, 2003, 'Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiency Using the Fourier Flexible Cost Frontiers for Taiwan''s Banking Industry, ' The Manchester School, Vol.71, pp.341-362.(SSCI, Eco. Lit), vol. 210213, 2003
2003 馬秀如, 2003, '員工分紅配股既是股東的成本,也是公司的費用!, ' 會計研究月刊, No.214, pp.62-70., vol. 158178, 2003
2003 馬秀如, 2003, '員工分紅入股-制度及會計處理, ' 會計研究月刊, No.207, pp.107-131., vol. 158171, 2003