Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
2002 Kung-Chung Liu;Yun-Peng Chu, 2002, 'Market Power in Chinese Taipei: Laws, Policies and Treatments, ' Review of Industrial Organization, Vol.21, pp.129-143.(SSCI), vol. 311780, 2002
2002 Kung-Chung Liu, 2002, 'Technology Transfer in Taiwan-A Legal Analysis, ' International Lawyer, No.36, pp.1145-1163.(SSCI), vol. 311779, 2002
2002 李仁芳;方亮淵, 2002, '大陸光電產業發展及武漢光電產業聚落探討, ' 企銀季刊, Vol.26, No.1, pp.1-20., vol. 144927, 2002
2002 伍育英;黃國彥;江振東, 2002, '大專生工作壓力、因應策略與工作滿意度之研究-以餐飲業工讀生為例, ' 醒吾學報, Vol.0, No.25, pp.87-120., vol. 144507, 2002
2002 薛慧敏;Liu, J. P.,;Hsieh, E.;Chen, J. J., 2002, 'Tests for equivalence or non-inferiority for paired binary data.”, ' Statistics in Medicine, Vol.0, No.21, pp.231-245.(SCIE), vol. 143586, 2002
2002 薛慧敏;Liu, J. P.,;Chen, J. J., 2002, '“Sample size requirements for evaluation of bridging evidence.”, ' Biometrical Journal, Vol.0, No.44, pp.969-981.(SCIE), vol. 143584, 2002
2002 薛慧敏;Liu, J. P.,;Hsiao, C. F., 2002, '“Bayesian Approach to Evaluation of Bridging Studies.”, ' Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Vol.0, No.12, pp.401-408., vol. 143582, 2002
2002 M.W Chang;C. J Lin, 2002, 'Analysis of Switching Dynamics with Competing Support Vector Machine, ' IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol.15, No.3, pp.720-727.(SCIE), vol. 144525, 2002
2002 余清祥*, 2002, 'Oldest-Old Mortality Rates and the Gompertz Law: A Theoretical and Empirical Study Based on Four Countries”, Journal of Population Studies, ' Journal of Population Studies, Vol.24, pp.33-57.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. A12111, 2002
2002 余清祥, 2002, '死亡率的降低對於退休金純保費的影響:台灣地區的實證研究, ' 壽險季刊, Vol.125., vol. A12110, 2002