Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
1996 管康彥, 1996.01, '當代企業再造的全方位認知, '., vol. 120592, Jan. 1996
1996 林我聰*, 1996.01, '物件導向式現場排程專家系統之建立, ' 工業工程學刊, Vol.13, No.1, pp.43-59.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 119060, Jan. 1996
1996 鄭天澤;洪幸如;陳俊成, 1996, '多項式迴歸模型的貝式選模, ' 統計與資訊評鑑, Vol.2, pp.82-105., vol. 134968, 1996
1996 Ting, C.P.*;Wu, S., 1996, 'Universally optimal row-column designs with empty nodes, ' 中國統計學報, Vol.34, No.4, pp.408-429.(中國統計學報)(*為通訊作者), vol. 132828, 1996
1996 張士傑, 1996, '應用隨機過程分析人壽保險商品, ' 壽險季刊, No.102期, pp.6-16., vol. 134376, 1996
1996 張士傑, 1996, '不同利率模型下之債券評價分析, ' 保險專刊, No.46, pp.139-150., vol. 132294, 1996
1996 楊亨利, 1996, 'Key Information Management Issues in Taiwan and the U.S, ' Information & Management: The International Journal of Information Systems Applications, Vol.30, No.5, pp.251-268.(SSCI), vol. 134314, 1996
1996 施文真, 1996, 'Multilateralism and the Case of Taiwan in the Trade Environment Nexus—the potential conflict between CITES and GATT/WTO, ' Journal of World Trade, Vol.30, No.3, pp.109-139.(SSCI), vol. 212131, 1996
1996 陳坤銘;, 1996, 'On the Determinants of Mergers in the Manufacturing Sector: Japan vs the United States, ' Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics, and Finance, Vol.2, pp.285-319., vol. A12264, 1996
1996 沈中華;林炯垚, 1996, '上市公司出售長期資產事件之宣告效果---GARCH模型之應用, ' 証券發展季刊,., vol. 136295, 1996