Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
1996 Ting, C.P.*;Lin, B.Y.L.;Chai, F.S., 1996, 'Robustness of block designs when some observations of the control treatment are missing, ' 中國統計學報, Vol.34, pp.66-78.(*為通訊作者), vol. 118933, 1996
1996 于卓民, 1996, '誠以興業,專案經營:三聯企業, '., vol. 119314, 1996
1996 司徒達賢;張緯良, 1996, '筆記本型電腦對人壽保險銷售之影響:K人壽保公司之個案研究, '., vol. 119552, 1996
1996 鄭天澤;陳輝榮, 1996, '兩二像分配參數差各種區間估計量之回顧與比較, '., vol. 118949, 1996
1996 Ting, C.P.*;Yang, Y.Y., 1996, 'Bayes A-Optimal Designs for Comparing Test Treatments with a Control, ' Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol.53, pp.237-251.(SCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 118555, 1996
1996 Moonkyu Lee;樓永堅, 1996, 'Consumer Reliance on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Cues in Product Evaluations, ' Journal of Applied Business Research, Vol.12, No.1, pp.21-29., vol. 119269, 1996
1996 許崇源, 1996, '論兩稅合一扣抵法下營所稅之會計處理, '., vol. 119256, 1996
1996 洪順慶, 1996, '前瞻研發:星友科技, ' pp.15-28., vol. 118969, 1996
1996 洪順慶, 1996, '承先啟後,繼往開來:雄獅鉛筆廠, '., vol. 118968, 1996
1995 Lee, Jie Huan;Ji-Chai Lin, 1995.12, 'Volatility and Liquidity at NYSE Opening Calls: A Closer Look, ' Journal of Financial Research, Vol.18, No.4, pp.479-493.(SSCI), vol. 292428, Dec. 1995