Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
2008 Wu, L.Y.*;Wang, C.J.;Chen, C.P.;Pan, L.Y., 2008, 'Internal Resources, External Network, and Competitiveness during the Growth Stage: A Study of Taiwanese High-tech Ventures, ' Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol.32, No.3, pp.529-549.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 269010, 2008
2008 Tzu-Shian Han*;Carol Lin;Mavis Chen, 2008, 'Developing human capital indicators: A three-way approach, ' International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol.5, No.3/4, pp.387-403.(Inderscience publishers)(*為通訊作者), vol. 267212, 2008
2008 樓永堅;張愛華;魏聖忠*;孫國寧, 2008, 'A case study of customer capital management in Taiwan’s financial industry, ' International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol.5, No.3, pp.332-347.(*為通訊作者), vol. 290600, 2008
2008 Lin, Liang-Yang*;Wu, Se-Hwa;Lin, Binshan, 2008, 'An empirical study of dynamic capabilities measurement on R&D department, ' International Journal of Innovation and Learning, Vol.5, No.3, pp.217-240.(*為通訊作者), vol. 334609, 2008
2008 鄭丁旺;王文英;張清福, 2008, '債權人與投資人所重視企業智慧資本資訊之比較分析-以銀行與投信投顧證券業為代表(上), ' 會計研究月刊, No.266, pp.122-129., vol. 249932, 2008
2008 Asokan, A.;H.Y. Chi.*;C.L. Chin.;P.P., Lee., 2008, 'The Effect of Innovation on Firm Performance: The Experience of Taiwan, ' Advances in Accounting, Vol.23, pp.1-30.(*為通訊作者), vol. 313292, 2008
2008 許崇源;林維珩;陳昭蓉, 2008, '台灣上市櫃公司預算之編製及使用, ' 中華管理評論, No.第11卷3期., vol. 261701, 2008
2008 陳瑞斌;許崇源, 2008, '資訊透明度對權益資金成本之影響, ' 東吳經濟商學學報,., vol. 255625, 2008
2008 Wen-Ying Wang;Chingfu Chang*, 2008, 'The effect of disclosure of intellectual capital and accounting performance on market valuation: Evidence from Taiwan’s semiconductor industry, ' International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol.5, No.4, pp.264-278.(*為通訊作者), vol. 253726, 2008
2008 吳安妮;Lee, C.;C. S. Ou, 2008, 'The Interaction Effect of Capacity Utilization and Quality on Manufacturing Costs: An Examination of the Continuous Production Environment., ' The Interaction Effect of Capacity Utilization and Quality on Manufacturing Costs: An Examination of the Continuous Production Environment.,., vol. 266544, 2008