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Research in Ethics & CSR
Business Ethics CaseThe case method is an important method for fostering future operators and managers. The NCCU College of Commerce has long been devoted to promoting the case method in teaching and has spared no effort to develop domestic cases and cultivate faculties for case teaching. I Since its establishment, the Sinyi School has been committed to promoting the instruction and research relating to business ethics and sustainable business and developing exclusive teaching materials with an international view and local characteristics In view of the lack of Chinese business cases in both quality and quantity terms for business ethics and sustainable business, the Sinyi School has thus lunched the Business Ethics and Sustainable Business Chinese Cases Sponsoring Program in collaboration with the Chengchi Business Case Center (CBCC) to promote the writing and publication of Chinese cases on local business ethics and sustainable business in order to improve the overall business and management education in the sinophone world.
Business Ethics Research Team
Business ethics, sustainable business, and corporate governance are topics indispensable to corporate development and good operations. While no specific team in Taiwan is dedicated to related research, related research projects and course materials are comparatively insufficient, and most of related outputs are out of the personal interest of a handful of teachers. To promote and further the research of management ethics, the Sinyi School plans to establish a business ethics and management ethics research team and a business sustainability and environmental sustainability research team to implement related research, design and plan related courses, and write cases on business ethics and business sustainability, in order to actively promote research in this field, systemically establish new knowledge in business ethics and business sustainability, and disseminate related knowledge to all business students in Taiwan.