姓名 谢耀龙
联络电话 81015
职称 教授
研究专长 财务/保险行销、消费者行为、孙子兵法与企业经营
授课领域 财务/保险行销、消费者行为、孙子兵法与企业经营
年度 论文名称
2005 谢耀龙*, 2005, '不道德寿险行销之个案研究, ' 保险实务与制度,.(*为通讯作者), vol. 178015, 2005
2004 谢耀龙, 2004.09, '产险业顾客抱怨个案研究, ' 保险实务与制度, Vol.3, No.2, pp.103-124., vol. 178017, Sep. 2004
2004 谢耀龙, 2004.03, '产险业顾客购买行为初探, ' 保险实务与制度, Vol.3, No.1, pp.1-25., vol. 178016, Mar. 2004
2004 谢耀龙, 2004, 'Exploring Corporate Donation Behavior:A Case Study of Taiwan, ' Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Markeying, Vol.12, No.1, pp.69-91., vol. 178014, 2004
2003 谢耀龙, 2003.09, '顾客关系管理与寿险行销, ' 保险实务与制度, Vol.2, No.2, pp.117-145., vol. 178013, Sep. 2003
2002 谢耀龙, 2002.12, '寿险业务员行销模式转移:从KASH到SHAKE, ' 寿险季刊, No.126, pp.2-23., vol. 178012, Dec. 2002
2002 谢耀龙;尤俊杰, 2002, '台湾网络学习市场之潜在消费者初探, ' 网际网络技术学刊, Vol.3, No.1, pp.53-62., vol. 144960, 2002
2001 谢耀龙;杨凌玉;陈怡宾, 2001.06, '台湾寿险业务员教育训练现况剖析, ' 寿险季刊, No.120, pp.6-36., vol. 147170, Jun. 2001
2000 谢耀龙, 2000.03, '美国职场行销研究, ' 寿险季刊, Vol.0, No.115, pp.12-48., vol. 147172, Mar. 2000
2000 谢耀龙, 2000, '中国酒店的经营与营销策略:个案研究, ' 华人管理个案研究,秋季号, Vol.0, No.0, pp.1-31., vol. 147171, 2000
1999 谢耀龙, 1999.12, '网际网络对寿险业行销策略之影响, ' 寿险季刊, Vol.0, No.114, pp.23-41., vol. 147174, Dec. 1999
1999 谢耀龙;尤俊杰, 1999.12, '台湾网际网络学习市场初探, ' 中兴企管学报商业自动化专刊---电子商务论丛, Vol.0, No.0, pp.151-173., vol. 147173, Dec. 1999
1999 谢耀龙, 1999, '台湾寿险业关系行销运用与行销绩效之研究, ' 中山管理评论, Vol.7, No.3, pp.821-846.(TSSCI), vol. 147175, 1999
1998 谢耀龙, 1998.06, '东南亚寿险业关系行销理念与实际策略运用之比较研究, ' 寿险季刊, Vol.0, No.108, pp.55-72., vol. 147176, Jun. 1998
1998 谢耀龙, 1998.03, '东南亚寿险业关系行销理念与实际策略运用之比较研究, ' 寿险季刊, Vol.0, No.107, pp.75-90., vol. 147177, Mar. 1998
1994 谢耀龙, 1994, 'Personal Relationship and Its Influence on Export Behavior: An Empirical Study, '., vol. 129763, 1994
1993 谢耀龙;Debra L. Scammon, 1993, 'Cultural And Economic Antecedents to Evolving Consumer Concerns in Taiwan, ' Journal of Consumer Policy, Vol.16, No.1, pp.61-78., vol. 130846, 1993
1993 谢耀龙, 1993, 'Cultural and Economic Antecedents to Evolving Consumer Concerns in Taiwan Netherlands, '., vol. 129748, 1993
国家 学校名称 系所 学位 期间
美国 美国犹他大学 行销系 博士 1989.09 ~ 1992.12
台湾,中华民国 国立政治大学 企业管理(学)系 硕士 1984.09 ~ 1986.06
台湾,中华民国 私立东吴大学 会计(学)系 学士 1980.09 ~ 1984.06
经历类别 服务机关名称 单位 职务 期间
校内本职 政治大学 风险管理与保险学系 教授 2015.08 ~ 2016.02
校内本职 政治大学 风险管理与保险学系 教授 2014.08 ~ 2015.08
校内本职 政治大学 风险管理与保险学系 教授 2013.01 ~ 2014.08
校内本职 政治大学 风险管理与保险学系 教授 2007.08 ~ 2013.01
校内本职 政治大学 风险管理与保险学系 教授 2004.02 ~ 2007.02
校内本职 政治大学 风险管理与保险学系 教授 1999.08 ~ 2003.08
校内本职 政治大学 风险管理与保险学系 副教授 1993.02 ~ 1999.08
类别 年度 奖项名称 颁奖单位
校内 102 资深优良教师(20年) 国立政治大学
年度 论文名称
2011 谢耀龙*, 2011.12, 'Perceived Quality and Overseas Student Satisfaction in Higher Education: A Case Study, ' IADIS International Conference on International Higher Education 2011 Proceedings, International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), pp.11-18.(*为通讯作者), Dec. 2011
2011 谢耀龙*, 2011.06, 'Intercultural Problems in Higher Education: A Case Study, ' The 9th CAFIC International Conference, China Association for Intercultural Communication (CAFIC).(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2011
2011 谢耀龙*, 2011, 'Cross-cultural Communication: East vs. West, ' the CIMaR-UIBE•BUSINESS SCHOOL 2009 JOINT CONFERENCE.(*为通讯作者), 2011
2010 谢耀龙*;Bingfei E. Wang, 2010.11, 'Night Markets and Tourism: Marketing and Public Policy Implications, ' the 11th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2010
2010 谢耀龙*, 2010.11, 'Marketing Strategies of Hot Springs Resorts in Taiwan: A Case Study, ' the 11th International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference.(*为通讯作者), Nov. 2010
2010 谢耀龙*, 2010.07, 'Group Insurance Marketing in Taiwan: A Case Study, ' World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2010
2010 谢耀龙*;Bingfei E. Wang, 2010.07, 'Relationship Marketing in the Hotel Industry of Taiwan: A Case Study, ' 2010 APTA Annual Conference Proceedings, pp.19-22.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2010
2010 谢耀龙*, 2010.06, 'Cross-cultural Communication Education: The AIDA Model, ' The 16th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies.(*为通讯作者), Jun. 2010
2010 谢耀龙*, 2010.05, 'Night Markets and International Students: Implications for Tourism Marketing, ' The 9th Biennial Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Asia.(*为通讯作者), May. 2010
2010 谢耀龙, 2010.04, 'The Decision-Making Process of International Students in Taiwan: A Case Study, ' the APAIE’s 2010 annual conference program, APAIE, pp.65., Apr. 2010
2010 谢耀龙*, 2010, '台湾地区保险业职场营销研究, ' 中国保险学会2010年学术年会入选论文集, pp.429-438.(*为通讯作者), 2010
2009 谢耀龙, 2009.12, 'Marketing strategies of Million Dollar Round Table Members, ' The All China Economics International Conference Proceedings, pp.63., Dec. 2009
2009 谢耀龙, 2009.11, 'Risk Management in Residential Communities: A Case Study, ' the 6th International Society for the Third Sector Research (ISTR) Asia Pacific Regional Conference., Nov. 2009
2009 谢耀龙*, 2009.10, 'Cross-cultural Communication: East vs. West, ' the CIMaR-UIBE•BUSINESS SCHOOL 2009 JOINT CONFERENCE.(*为通讯作者), Oct. 2009
2009 谢耀龙*, 2009.07, 'Enterprise risk management In the hotel industry of Taiwan: A case study, ' 15th APTA Annual Conference Proceedings, Asian Pacific Tourism Association, pp.111-113.(*为通讯作者), Jul. 2009
2007 谢耀龙*, 2007.09, 'Product Quality and Value Perceptions: The Perspective of Ethnic Consumers/The Fourth Royal Bank International Research Seminar Proceedings, ' the Royal Bank International Research Seminar.(不知道)(*为通讯作者), Sep. 2007
2001 谢耀龙;尤俊杰, 2001.10, '台湾网络学习市场潜在消费者之研究, ' 2001年台湾区学术网络研讨会暨网络学习与继续专业教育国际会议, 中正大学., Oct. 2001
2000 谢耀龙, 2000.10, 'Shopping as a Jungle Trip, ' Consumer Research., Oct. 2000
2000 谢耀龙;Debra L.Scammon, 2000.06, 'To Regulate or Not to Regulate:Regulation Issues of Insurance Marketing over the Internet, ' the Public policy &Marketing 2000 Conference., Jun. 2000
2000 谢耀龙, 2000.01, 'An Exploratory Study of Marketing Plan Deveopment in Taiwan''s Life Insurance Industry, ' the Western Risk and Insurance Association''s 34th Annual Meeting., Jan. 2000
1999 谢耀龙, 1999.06, 'Corporate Philanthropy:Why and Why Not?, ' Tenth IABS Annual Conference Proceedings., Jun. 1999
1999 谢耀龙;尤俊杰, 1999.04, '台湾网际网络学习市场初探, ' 1999 商业自动化理论与实务研讨会, -., Apr. 1999
1998 谢耀龙, 1998.12, 'EMBA 教育与珠海及中国整体经济发展, ' The Zhuhai Conference on China and Zhuhai in the Globalization of World Economy, -., Dec. 1998
1998 谢耀龙, 1998.10, 'Relationship Marketing Strategies of the Export-Import Industry: A Case Study of Taiwan, ' The 1998 Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business Southeast Asia Region Proceedings, -., Oct. 1998
1998 谢耀龙, 1998.05, 'Relationship Marketing Strategies in the Life Insurance Industry: A Revised Framework and A Cross-national Comparison, ' The Academy of Marketing Science Conference Proceedings, -., May. 1998
1998 谢耀龙, 1998.03, '成功业务员的行销策略:以寿险业为例, ' 第四届服务管理研讨会 , -., Mar. 1998
1997 谢耀龙, 1997, '台湾寿险业顾客抱怨行为之研究, ' 第三届服务业管理研讨会., 1997
1997 谢耀龙, 1997, 'The Role of Guanxi in Marketing Ethics, '., 1997
1997 谢耀龙, 1997, 'Complaint Behavior of Taiwanese Consumers: An Empirical Study, ' The American Council on Consumer Interests Conference., 1997
谢耀龙, 'The Influence of Marketing Strategy on Export Performance: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Computer Firms, ' American Marketing Association''s Winter Educators'' Conference., Sep. 2024
谢耀龙, 'The Role of Chinese Culture in International Marketing, ' The Academy of Marketing Science Conference., Sep. 2024
谢耀龙, 'Chinese Culture and Its Influence on Export Marketing Strategy, ' The Academy of Marketing Science Conference., Sep. 2024
谢耀龙, 'The Impact of economic Factors on Export Marketing Performance: An Empirical Analysis, ' The Sixth Bi-Annual World Marketing Congress., Sep. 2024
谢耀龙, 'The Relationship Between Firm Size and Export Marketing Success, ' The First South China International Business Symposium., Sep. 2024
谢耀龙, '台湾三阳制药厂股份有限公司, ' 台湾中小企业之发展:个案研究与论文发表会., Sep. 2024
谢耀龙, '从消费者之观点看寿险业之行销策略--外商与台湾寿险公司之比较, ' 第一届服务业管理研讨会., Sep. 2024
谢耀龙, 'Personal Relationship and Its Influence on Export Behavior: An Empirical Study, ' The American Marketing Association''s Summer Marketing Educators'' Conference., Sep. 2024
谢耀龙, 'Consumers'' Attitudes Towards Marketing Practices, Consumerism, and Government Regulations: A Comparison Between Taiwan and India, ' International Association for Business and Society''s 1995 Conference., Sep. 2024
谢耀龙, 'After Sale Services and Consumer Complaints: An Empirical Study, Consumer Interests Annual, ' The American Council on Consumer Interests'' Annual Conference., Sep. 2024
谢耀龙, 'Trust, Social Networks, and Buying Behavior: An Empirical Study, ' The International Association for Business and Society''s 1996 Conference., Sep. 2024
谢耀龙, 'Motives of Corporate Philanthropy: A Case Study of Taiwan, ' The International Association for Business and Society''s 1996 Conference., Sep. 2024
谢耀龙, 'Factors Influencing Corporate Philanthropy: A Case Study of Taiwan, ' Academy of International Business South-East Asia Regional Conference., Sep. 2024
谢耀龙, 'The Influence of Economic Factors on Export Marketing Performance: An Empirical Analysis, ' The Sixth Bi--Annual World Marketing Congress., Sep. 2024